Darin hadn’t meant for the meeting to happen quite so fast, but it didn’t surprise her in the least when Ridahne immediately moved to make it happen now. She followed without fuss to the comfortable room and took a seat with a sigh. It wasn’t long before a young girl came in with tea. She didn’t seem to realize who Darin was right a way and there was a part of the human that wished she could have not realized at all. But it seemed her eyes gave her away. Even Harai seemed to be taken aback by her eyes the entire time they spoke. She still didn’t understand why they had changed color the way they had. She smiled at the child, “Tea is fine. You’re doing well.” The girl left, but Darin wasn’t alone for long. Ridahne returned quickly with the Sota-Sol with her. Darin couldn’t help but observe her for just a moment. Even with less than an hour’s notice the woman had come. Not only that, but she looked completely put together. On the other hand, Darin was a complete mess. She was covered in salt and dried dust. Her hair was doing it’s best to escape the braid she had tied it into. There was flour and sugar staining her clothes. The Sota-Sol looked like a noble born and Darin looked like a ragamuffin. Why had Harai thought she was a noble? Was that something the Red Hand had told him? That The Seed-Bearer would have either noble or royal blood. Why would they do that? Darin sighed and braced herself, “I know that I have not showed you a great deal of respect in our previous interactions Sota-Sol. And I know that means I have little to no right to ask this of you now, but I find myself in a difficult situation that I see no way out of.” She place the cup down and let go of it for fear that her too tight grip would break it, “So I’ve come to you, a leader of a country, seeking advice, guidance, and wisdom. So, I hope that out past meeting will hold no sway over the conversation we have now.” Darin was looking anywhere but the woman in front of her as she explained the situation, “There is a man connected to the Red Hand being held by some of your Tajas. Ridahne tells me that she believes that he was honest when he answered her questions regarding the Red Hand. I believe he was being honest when he answered my questions. Other than being connected to the Red Hand he has committed no crime.” Darin looked at her fingers as they nervously entangled themselves together, “So, I find myself reluctant to have him killed. For one he is just a man. He is not a warrior attacking us. He is our prisoner and at our mercy. For another killing him would mean I make my sister a promise breaker as she told him that cooperating would be worth it. Yet I can’t let him go either. He would head straight back towards the Red Hand and them all that he had learned, and while I do not believe my identity will remain secret for much longer it seems foolish to just let him depart. Holding him had its own set of difficulties and that is not something I cannot ask you or you people to do.” Darin finally forced herself to look up at her conversation partner, “This is a difficult situation and not one I’ve faced before. My heart says to cut him loose. My head says to end his life. Can you advise me? Do I even have the right to ask you for your guidance?” Looking at this woman who measured her life in centuries Darin felt so incredible young, younger than she felt in a long time. She had gone to the elders of home before she left with basically the same request. “I know I haven’t been respectful, but this situation is terrifying. I’m so sacred I’ll make the wrong choices. Please, please can you help me.” All of them had calmly, and without ire, had offered both advice and solace. It was advice the young girl had for once in her life taken to heart and tried to act upon. Once again Darin found herself in the same situation, hoping that she hadn’t inadvertently burned the bridge she desperately needed now. She could only hope that the Sota-Sol didn’t just leave. She would take any censure the woman chose to give if that censure came with advice. For now, all Darin could do was wait with her heart pounding in her chest and unwanted apologies on the tip of her tongue.