[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5WR2hsSUZCaGNtRmtiM2dnUlc1bmFXNWwuNA/good-times.rg-regular.webp[/img][/center] [b]Location(s):[/b] Paradox Engine (Central Controls, Testing Grounds, Luncheon Room) [hr][hr] Whatever Brainstorm had done to the Central Controls with his access, it seemed to bring the room all the more to life after his departure; various screens began to illuminate as power once more ran through the systems, and the machines began their various designated processes. To any of them, the text of any of the screens present was completely illegible, a foreign language unlike any other...But even without the gift of words, some of the intentions of these consoles could be made clear. For one, it showed video feeds across the station; or at least, it should've. It seemed that much of the feed was inaccessible for the moment, although it was being slowly restored, with vision made clear in the Testing Grounds and Luncheon Room, where onlookers could see some individuals warping into the rooms. For those in the know, these were, of course, Terra in the Testing Grounds, and Danny alongside Tai and Agumon arriving in the Luncheon Room. However, the most jarring thing was when a voice began to echo through the chamber; perfectly clear and articulate, though it had a synthetic edge to it that made it clear that something artificial was speaking. Or rather....Making observations on the remaining individuals. [color=6ecff6]"Systems online. Identifying unknowing individuals..."[/color] Those remaining in the Control Center were none the wiser as to what was happening....Except for KITT. Beyond the human eye, while he could not detect a source, infrared scans were being passed across everything in the general area, KITT included. [color=6ecff6]"Entity Giovanni Potage. Designation: Soup. Universe: EE Prime. Confirmed. Entity Asta. Designation: Anti-Mage. Universe: BC Prime. Confirmed. Entity Knight Industries 2000's Micro Processor, alternatively K.I.T.T. Designation: Spycar. Universe: KR Prime. Confirmed. Entity Rarity. Designation: Magic Equine. Universe: MLP Prime. Confirmed."[/color] After that....An eerie silence. Whatever had just happened, and whatever had [i]done[/i] what just happened, didn't seem to care about conversating with the strange arrivals. [hr][hr] The Testing Grounds might not have been what Terra anticipated. Some weapons-grade super-factory? A training area for unnatural super soldiers? No, it certainly didn't fit any of these images, and likely nothing else she could've puzzled together. After the jarring warp to the top of this station, she was met with a dim hallway, only barely lit by the pulsing red lights that seemed to travel down this expansive, one-way hallway. These light sources were attached to somewhat menacing archways. In fact, some might remark that they looked like gateways. They looked to be built tough, each one standing a solid ten feet away from the last, as the Testing Grounds stretched for what felt like forever. It seemed unrealistic for someone to have to [i]walk[/i] through this whole thing. Though, adjusting her eyes to the darkness, it would be made clear that that [i]wasn't[/i] how they handled traversing this location. Across the empty stretch of the room (if you could call such an expansive place a simple room), two tracks of conveyor belts seemed to lead off; one forward, one back. Maybe a bit primitive compared to the teleporter she had just used, but hey, who knows? Maybe it was to save power, or maybe it would have just been too inconvenient to work something else in. Regardless, there were two other stand-out details here. One was that next to each of these gateways was a stand of sort, with a built-in pad; one side of the pad seemed to be for some form of data processing, though all of them seemed shut off in that regard, though the other side showed what looked to be a handprint. Some kind of palm scanner. Then, there was something else.... The gateway nearest to the transporter had a green light, instead of red, and the data side of the pad was online, funneling information through. Nothing Terra would be able to make heads or tails of, but being the only one active in the room was certain to be...Interesting. [hr][hr] The Luncheon Room was a far different story; like an old-school cafeteria, fluorescent lights shone across the area, where a number of tables of all sorts stood, seating anywhere between three to six, if judging by the number of seats themselves. All in all, the room could probably fit well over a hundred people, ready to dine. While clearly there wasn't anyone on duty [s]big surprise[/s], it wouldn't take Danny or Tai much effort to recognize a spot near the back that looked to be where food would've been doled out, if their schooltime sensibilities weren't failing them. Behind that spot, a heavyset metal door could be seen closed tight, with a small drift of briskly cold air coming from it. Some kind of freezer, perhaps? Regardless, around there was hopefully where some grub could be found.