[color=#00FF7F][center][h1]James Harris[/h1][/center][/color] James was just passing Carlyle Museum, Wu’s almost within his sight, when an explosion in the air broke through his music and nearly caused him to crash into a lampost. Thankfully, over a decade spent honing his skills as a rider, made it so that his reflexes kicked in in time to pull his Harley to a stop. Looking up through his visor revealed his initial expectations to be accurate. A villain in an airborne suit was exchanging banter with a new hero. As he looked closer, though, a frown crossed James’ face. It seemed like all the heroes kept getting younger these days, the one fighting robo-suit definitely doesn't even look old enough to drink. What’s the world even coming to these days? He swears that… Damn…James’ starting to sound like his father…he feels old. It was as he was ruminating the loss of his youth that the battle above continued, the banter apparently over - normally it lasted longer. Watching the fight from his bike, he couldn’t help but sigh at the crowd. He’ll never understand how people can risk their lives just for a few pictures or a video to post on social media, they’re not trying to help, they’re just standing there making great targets of themselves, a needless distraction for heroes to worry about instead of giving all their attention to the villain they’re supposed to be fighting. Almost as if the universe could hear his thoughts and decided to prove a point, the fight took a turn. The villain’s target changed. He had one leg already off the bike - ready to start running towards the crowd for all the good it might do - shouting at the idiots to get out of there (most of them didn’t even budge…how is humanity not extinct yet?), when the hero teleported from their position above to in front of the incoming missiles, shielding everyone with their powers. Unfortunately, robo-suit took advantage of the hero’s momentary lapse and ran them through with a blade. What happened next…well, it was pretty brutal. For a second there, James was almost certain that robo-suit (now suit-less) was about to be obliterated, before the bugger was simply - painfully - knocked out. That’ll definitely leave a mark, but James couldn’t be bothered to care about him right now. The hero was bleeding really badly, and starting to list forward. Leg back on the Harley, he revved the engines loudly and sped forward, yelling threats at the crowd so that they’d get the heck out of his way. Something must have come through in his voice, because the people actually jumped out of the way (seriously, a motorcycle they’ll dodge but not missiles?) allowing him to park next to the hero just as they hit the floor. He doesn’t remember getting off of the bike. One moment he was on it, the next he was kneeling next to the hero - and damned if they didn’t look even smaller up close - rolling them over and lifting the lens to inspect the wound. From the location of the wound it looked like it would have had to go through the sternum - so there’s definitely broken bones - and from the amount of blood leaving the puncture wound, it’s more than likely that something had been nicked by the blade. Blood loss is the greatest danger here, so that’s what he should focus on first. Taking a deep breath, he gently brushed the hero’s dark hair out of their face, quietly saying “You’ll be okay kid, I’ve got you.” Feeling the connection establish, he watched as the bleeding first slowed and then stopped completely as the gash knitted itself close - not a mark remaining. Pain bloomed in his chest as he felt the warm wetness of blood trickling down beneath his shirt.. Grunting slightly, he forced himself to keep going, he’s had worse and his abilities will keep him from dying from blood loss because of this. Thankfully, the shirt he's wearing is one that's a little small on him (tomorrow's laundry day) so that'll help slow the bleeding a little. The bones are next. Fricken heck. That one smarts. Forcing himself to sit still, he did his best to breath through the pain as he literally felt the cracks in the bone form. The edges of his vision darkened slightly, and once the last crack was healed, he nearly collapsed himself, but since he first discovered his gifts, he had become extremely well acquainted with pain and being able to power through injuries. Heck, he just had to deal with another broken bone a few hours ago! He’s got this. A critical look over the hero established that - while the kid was still far too pale for his liking - they were out of the woods. They still had to deal with the blood loss, but there wasn’t much that James could do about that, only rest and fluids will really help. Next he went over to where the villain was still out, quickly checking him over. No fatal injuries. Doesn’t look like any bones are broken. The worst this guy should have when he wakes up is a bad concussion and some painful bruises. It doesn’t quite seem fair, does it? This is the guy who tried to blow up a whole street and yet it’s the hero who gets all banged up. The one who really deserves a broken sternum are people like that. A gasp escaped him as he felt a connection form and he immediately pulled away. It’s been ages since he last connected with someone accidentally and he could just feel the frustration building. Of all the people to accidentally heal! Only…he didn’t feel any new injuries on himself…maybe…he hasn’t established whether the connection only works one way yet… Okay, yeah, nope! Not dealing with this right now! Firmly pushing that thought out of his mind, he lowered the lens on his helmet and gestured towards the two nearest gawkers. Addressing them as they shuffled forwards. “You two. Wearing belts?” They gave confused nods of confirmation. “Good. Take them off and tie this guy up. If the police haven't been called yet, do so now.” Seeing them hesitate, he felt the frustration build - needing to take a deep breath to calm himself before he spoke again. “C’mon, quickly now, move it please.” Finally getting a reaction out of them, he moved back to the kid - still out - and gently manoeuvred them to lean against his bike’s sidecar, before reaching inside it and pulling out a half-full bottle of water as well as a scarf he keeps forgetting to return to his brother. Wetting the material, he gently dabbed it against the kid’s pale face. “I know sleeping’s fun, kid, but this aint the best place for a rest.” No response, not that he was really expecting one. A crinkle from his coat momentarily distracted him, reminding him of its contents. He didn’t even think about it as the words left him - half meant as a joke, half hoping that the kid in front of him is as taken by stickers as his niece is and actually takes the bribe. “If you wake up now, I’ll give you a gold star…” [hr] [@Shard]