[hider=Lord of Gold] [center]「 [color=#92278f]R O H E E N A S S A D[/color] 」 [url=https://www.behance.net/gallery/139815363/Beksinski-Worship/modules/790822203][img]https://i.imgur.com/LgJwySz.png[/img][/url] [i][color=a187be][sub]"I am the Master of Input and Output - Creactor of All." - Roheen[/sub][/color][/i] [img][sub]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/024/882/036/4k/pierre-raveneau-1583846972925-1583846971629-pierre-raveneau-empress-2.jpg?1583854653[/sub][/img][/center][hr][right][color=#92278f]P E R S O N A L ◄[/color][/right][sub][color=#92278f][b]⬦ N A M E[/b][/color][/sub][indent][indent]Roheen Assad[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=#92278f][b]⬦ R O L E[/b][/color][/sub][indent][indent]Lord of Gold | Advisor[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=#92278f][b]⬦ A G E[/b][/color][/sub][indent][indent]Unknown[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=#92278f][b]⬦ G E N D E R[/b][/color][/sub][indent][indent]Female[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=#92278f][b]⬦ D A T E O F B I R T H[/b][/color][/sub][indent][indent]Fourteenth of May[sup][/sup][/indent][/indent] [sub][color=#92278f][b]⬦ H E I G H T / W E I G H T[/b][/color][/sub][indent][indent]8'6" (259 cm) | 250 lbs (113 kg)[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=#92278f][b]⬦ C R E S T[/b][/color][/sub][indent][indent]Central Eye[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=#92278f][b]⬦ P R O F I L E[/b][/color][/sub][indent][indent]I am Roheen. I am Purpose without the Humanity of Person. I am Brutality of a Hungry and Machine - ever-wanting for the abundance of material. The lesson is simple: Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by me then by some other. By what right does this other seek to deny my right to exploit? None I say. I shall take what is own to me. The ambitions and dreams of man are, as with my own hungry, never satisfied. It is their lust for power that fuels me - my obsession with the physicality of resource. The Dreams of Empire - overlordship over others - cannot be achieved without exploitation to fill input and output. I dream of exploitation, for it is not only my obsession but an unstoppable addiction. I dream of the coal mine, tree yard, farmland, ore mine, and the bounty of resources. I wish to harvest and strip the land bare of its riches as I have done many times before in my time under my service of others. Plenty call me callous and cruel - an uncaring monstrosity that exploits the sweat of others and violates Mother Terra for her abundance. I am that Monster. I am the Physical Manifestation of Greed - for there will be no satisfaction in my reality of mind as I seek new sources of wealth from every corner of existence. The foundation of life is no more than the continued progress of resource consumption - of input energy and energy surplus. Fools say that there are limited resources. I say no. New methodology of exploitation shall discover untapped wells of wealth. I control the flow of wealth all throughout. I enjoy the handling of things and their future prospects. Ore to sword. Grain to bread. Cotton to Fabric. I enjoy the process of efficiency - of utmost performance. I am Roheen. I am Brutality of Economy.[/indent][/indent][hr][right][color=#92278f]U T I L I T Y ◄[/color][/right][sub][color=#92278f][b]⬦ E Q U I P M E N T[/b][/color][/sub][indent][indent][hider=Amalia's Clock] [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/006/223/975/large/alex-twin-large-clock-final.jpg?1496919101]Amalia’s Clock[/url]: Clock of Amalia, also known as Amalia’s Clock or the Clock of Time, is an extremely sophisticated hand-held watch. Every single component has a tolerance standard of zero-point-one to zero-point-three nanometers between each fitting. Such precision engineering is quite fantastical as the scientific concepts required to manufacture the clock are utterly unheard of - requiring elaborate machines and tooling that can only be created by a space-age society. For the most part, the clock appears to be a purely mechanical one with a complex system of rotating gears and shafts - encased in an equally fancy pure-glass framework. But what of its features? For that, it can exactly tell the current time with no error of margin at any position in the world.[/hider][/indent][/indent] [sub][color=#92278f][b]⬦ A B I L I T I E S[/b][/color][/sub][indent][indent]Ruthless and pragmatic in the pursuit of resources and wealth - Roheen is the definition of Stewardship. The hellish task of organization and delegation are key factors to a successful bureaucracy. What offices should be formed? Should this office or branch be merged into this one or remain separated? Should this office be a subdivision? Who should be delegated to run this office? What are the qualifications and skills are needed to successfully run this kind of unique paperwork to this division of bureaucracy? What is the chain of command and who should report to who? How shall corruption be handled? How centralized should the bureaucracy be? And plenty more questions. These things are something that Roheen can handle. She has the experience and knowledge on how to wrestle and contain the mighty beast of paperwork and bureau. It is, after all, her life’s work to do. Alongside her understanding of administrator work, Roheen has integral know-how on the processes of the economy - the resource chain of inputs and outputs of goods. The full exploitation of everyone and thing is what fuels the maximization of production. Roheen has full intent to also research innovation to increase the scale of the economy - be that innovation into new methods of workplace organization or brand new capital assets. Roheen understands technological progress is an inherently iterative process - crude tools to fashion better tools, and then our better tools to fashion more precise tools, and so on. Growth of the economy shall be done - no matter the cost. [/indent][/indent] [sub][color=#92278f][b]⬦ M I R A C L E S[/b][/color][/sub][indent][indent]Roheen’s miracle is her ability to calculate extremely complex mathematical equations and then utilize the solutions to commit acts of alchemical exchange. For example, if she wishes to turn sand into gold then she can. Of course, nothing is as simple or easy as what was said. The laws of Equivalent Exchange apply. Sand is near worthless in the equations - requiring one-whole ocean’s worth of sand to produce a good few solid bars. Likewise, something of value can be transmuted into plenty of things - only costing a few materials. Sadly, alchemical exchanges are quite complex, fickle, and not as clear-cut. What is even considered valuable? What mathematical equation is right? And the list goes on.[/indent][/indent][hr][center][color=#92278f]► P A R A M E T E R S ◄[/color] [color=#92278f][b]⬦ R E S I L I E N C E |[/b][/color] ◆◆◆◆◇ [color=#92278f][b]⬦ S T R E N G T H |[/b][/color] ◆◆◇◇◇ [color=#92278f][b]⬦ S P E E D |[/b][/color] ◆◆◇◇◇ [color=#92278f][b]⬦ W I S D O M |[/b][/color] ◆◆◆◆◆ [color=#92278f][b]⬦ T E C H N I Q U E |[/b][/color] ◆◆◆◇◇ [color=#92278f][b]⬦ M I R A C L E S |[/b][/color] ◆◆◆◆◆[/center][hr] [/hider]