Fanilly hadn't expected to suddenly be greeted by some of the newer members and names attached to the order at this very moment, when she was caught up trying to extract further information from the Cal heir. Still, it seemed as if Dame Maritza had realized her current approach was only succeeding in causing Veileena to lock down and refuse to answer any further questions. Perhaps they would at last get some answers from the young noble girl? Regardless, the Knight-Captain decided to pause for a moment and respond. "I'm happy to have your assistance," she began, as she turned to face the both of them, "This may not be the best time for a discussion, however. Sir Kherun, I believe you would be best served continuing to search the bodies for survivors. Perhaps your familiars could aid you in finding potential survivors? We need all the information we can get." She paused for a moment. Was that the right choice? Were there even any survivors? The skirmish had been relatively swift and certainly lopsided. A fight where none among their knights and their allies should have been lethally injured. The voice in her mind had spoken up once again, reminding her that even though Haelstadt had somehow survived there never should have been a situation where the knight in black armor was beheaded in the first place. "As a healer, Hollowsland," she continued, trying not simply dismiss her own thoughts, "You should look among my knights for any in need of your talents." With that, her attention returned to the young Cal girl. "I'm glad you came to your senses," said Veileena, though she still seemed to be in something of a huff, "As for your questions, it's nothing so clear cut as that." She sighed, unfolding her arms. "You're right. The Iron Rose Knights are a hammer. A big, crushing hammer that slams down on any enemies of Thaln," continued the Cal heir, "And hits hard enough to make a lot of noise. The moment I tried to raise the issue to you, some idiot noble would find out and think he's got the right to claim the shard and present it to the crown, as if it was his idea all along and that he deserves the credit for securing it and completely ignoring the dangers in doing so. Besides..." She trailed off for a few moments. "... You already believed I wanted the shard for some evil purpose, didn't you?" Veileena averted her eyes. "Would you have believed any different if I'd told you from the start, truly? Hmph, your reaction certainly hasn't given me any reason to think so." For Gerard, the voice that had spoken to him simply giggled lightly after a moment's pause. [i]Very well~ I hope to see plenty more from you~[/i] [@Raineh Daze][@Crimson Paladin][@HereComesTheSnow][@Martian][@A Lowly Wretch][@JessieTargaryen][@FlappyTheSpybot][@ghastlyinc]