[quote=@SilverRain] Thanks so much for offering to make these! Your designs look fantastic! <3 Balthazar, the modern day mob boss, entered XoXKieroBombXoX's office with his henchmen in tow. He was neatly dressed in a bespoke suit and had the air of a suave gentlemen - to his allies at least. He motioned for his men to bring to the table a suitcase. He then lit a cigar before addressing the graphic designer before him. "XoXKieroBombXoX, am I correct? Your name is famous in these circles and I have come to you with a request. Make me a character header so that I can improve my image" His henchmen then opened the briefcase which had two labels. "Your payment will be in the form of a Like and a Thank. And of course, your name will be linked to mine as a valued ally" "If you are so inclined, here is my request. And of course, I am open to discussion about our deal. Is there anything you want to know about me?" said Balthazar as he slid over a folder containing his details. ------ Name: Balthazar McKenzie (or just Balthazar if not enough space, Balty works too) If fanart can be used: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/719/516/fe1.jpg If fanart cannot be used: https://imgur.com/c89lLdr (minus henchmen and buildings) https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/676224512443068416/dOoycz6U_400x400.jpg Background can be either: Abstract - Something dark and dangerous that brings out his image above OR Physical - Cityscape at night Style of font: Mobster like? Godfather-like? Inspiration words: Suave, charismatic, Robin Hood, fearless, is against trafficking, gambling and drugs Notes: Hopefully his image and name can stand out over the background (as opposed to blending in) [/quote] And with that my first commission has been accepted! I'll get straight to work with this! Thanks for putting your trust in me!