[hider=Tena][center][img]https://ilarge.lisimg.com/image/15493827/937full-devery-jacobs.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220402/7cd529f3226c11245911bdb5fad3997d.png[/img][/center] [color=BB986B]Name[/color] [indent]Mitena Dakota Laree Strongbow[/indent] [color=BB986B]Nicknames[/color] [indent]Tena (pronounced TEH-NA)[/indent] [color=BB986B]Age[/color] [indent]Twenty[/indent] [color=BB986B]Gender[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=BB986B]Sexuality[/color] [indent]Bisexual (No Lean)[/indent] [color=BB986B]Relationship Status[/color] [indent]Single[/indent] [center][color=BB986B]Appearance Details[/color] [img]https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/sAAAl8MFN00fXFclApPVapJvUsQ/fit-in/728xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2021/09/15/922/n/1922398/88021963614260e84f3cd4.20080256_PS21_CoverSt.jpg[/img][/center] [list][*][b]Hair:[/b] Black | Shoulder Length | Bangs or Tied Up in a short Ponytail [*][b]Eyes:[/b] Dark Brown [*][b]Height:[/b] Five foot Six [*][b]Body Type:[/b] Hourglass figure [*][b]Clothing Style:[/b] Bohemian Rock | [url=https://www.knowsize.com/image/celebrity/kawennahere-devery-jacobs-d650.jpg]1[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/de/1a/0f/de1a0faea311e3303b8d5c55616752cc.jpg]2[/url] [*][b]Makeup Wise:[/b] She has a very minimalist makeup style but isn’t afraid to go a little glam with it if she has to. [*][b]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/b] Tena has both of her ears, nose and belly button pierced. She has a tattoo on her left arm that means “Respect” in her Native language.[/list] [center][color=BB986B]Biography[/color] [img]https://promifotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/diese-devery-jacobs-bilder-werden-dich-umhauen_5ec68bd78c84b.jpeg[/img][/center] [indent]When James Strongbow-Winters left the Blue Hill reservation when he was sixteen, he had every intention of coming back with great riches to help provide for his struggling community. Fast forward to the present day and no one dares mention his name. A failed rockstar turned servant of the white man’s god who lost his heart and his mind thanks to a curse against his chosen home. The last time James returned to the reservation before his self-inflicted death, he had given up on his faith and indeed upon himself. Lost in woe and knee deep in debauchery, he was not himself when he stumbled across Dakota Silverheel. Their romance lasted the length of the summer before he disappeared and eventually ended his life. Dakota’s souvenir for her troubles was a baby girl she named Mitena. Tena grew up with a strong connection to her heritage. Her mother was very upfront about her father, who he was and what had happened and been done to him. This was probably the reason why when she was old enough, the young indigenous girl took his family name. At no point was she afraid to acknowledge who her father was. Was she proud? Not necessarily but she understood him, at least, just enough she did. Mitena was only nine when the doctors told her mother about the cancer. There was nothing they could’ve done. The diagnosis was terminal and somehow, Dakota was ok with that. She gave her daughter a whirlwind tour of fun before she finally succumbed. The tribe really stepped up and began to take care of Tena. She may have been alone but she had a huge surrogate family of people that supported her; especially the woman she came to know as Auntie Jalyn. When Tena was fourteen, she received a letter from a few towns over, a boy by the name of Charlie Decker. He claimed to be her brother, a child of the craven James Winters. Intrigued and against her better judgement, Mitena agreed to meet this boy. The pair met in Boston, along with Charlie’s mother Rhonda. He had found her using a genealogy website. The two kids shared many similarities, a shared taste in music and literature, though Charlie favoured books and Tena the guitar. From then on, they began a weekly correspondence through the medium of letters. It felt far more intimate than email and it lasted for just shy of four years. Then Charlie’s letters stopped. A few days later, Tena was watching the news and saw her brother's face. He had been responsible for the most heinous of actions and her heart broke into a million little pieces. Forgoing college, Tena stayed on the reservation. She has always wanted to leave but with their economy as it is, she felt the desperate need to help out those that helped her. She is a well known face amongst the residents of Blue Hill with Tena being the go to handywoman for anything ranging from babysitting to gardening, home decor to electrical wiring. She has made herself an indispensable member of the community. She also plays with her band regularly at the local honky tonk and helps her aunties out on her weed farming business. Tena knows there’s more out there for her, that destiny is calling her. Yet considering what has happened to everybody else in her life who answered fate's call, there is a great deal of fear for her future..[/indent] [color=BB986B]Family[/color] [indent]James Strongbow-Winters - Father - Deceased - FC: Steven Strait Dakota Silverheel - Mother - Deceased - FC: Julia Jones Charles Strongbow-Decker - Half Brother - Deceased - FC: Jordan Connor Jalyn Isaacs - Surrogate Aunt - FC: Kaniehtiio Horn[/indent] [color=BB986B]Misc.[/color] [indent][list][*]Devery Jacobs | [color=BB986B]BB986B[/color] [*]Font - Native Alien [*]Tena plays lead guitar and sings vocals for a band called “Red Wolf Road”. [*]Wears a bracelet Charlie made for her at all times. [*]Rides a Yamaha YZF-R3[/list][/indent][/hider]