[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220404/2562aebe7e4046049c7e54425a6f5c40.png[/img][/center] [h3][b][i][color=FF7FC9]April 21st, 2025.[/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][i][color=FF7FC9]Classroom 2-B, 3:35 p.m.[/color][/i][/b] Akira sighed as "class" finally ended. Even though her grades were nice and high, this was one of the classes where she felt like she was losing more brain cells than gaining them, especially with how much of an airhead Miss Okamoto was. As much of a nice person Akira was, she often wondered who in school really liked the history teacher. Like, [i]really.[/i] And today didn't even feel like a music day either. She couldn't go up to the roof because of the rain and most of the school band club was hogging the music room to practice their own pieces instead of that one big recital piece they were supposed to be learning for Labour Day. Plus, with the curfew in effect, she couldn't hang out with her other friends as late as they normally did. Despite protests from her parents, sometimes the soft-spoken young lady stayed out late to enjoy the town's nightlife and destress from how boring school was sometimes. She laid her head on her table and pulled out her phone, browsing Twitter and Facebook to see if there was anything new to read while she listened to the bustle of her classmates around her. Nagi and Asumi were chatting on their end of the room, with two of her other classmates sitting nearby. Akira only really knew Nagi, purely because her parents often received visits from the local branch of the Yakuza, since they owned the only prominent okonomiyaki stall in town. And, to be fair, they made good food. Still, she kept to herself most of the time, but her attention was on the conversation she could hear over at Nagi's table. A trip to the game center [i]did[/i] sound enticing... And here she'd brought her trumpet case all the way from home. Ugh. [color=FF7FC9]"Anything to get my mind off this rain."[/color]