[center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/4abba8f04344b511136614ad61e60f62/147e9db4c22a081c-20/s540x810/e3d288ecb58fa719707d321230ba2440fccf67bf.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220404/bd05d11757399f3e771cdb64c64d32e1.png[/img] [hr] A [@BrutalBx] & [@NeoAJ] Collab[/center] [hr] [color=C652D5]”Before I leave you to the dulcet tones of Kylee Grimm on the Dawn Patrol, a word from our sponsors. Mayor Teddy Grimm would like to remind everyone that he’ll be holding a rally today to raise some funds for the fire department. It’s a good cause guys so reach into your pockets, give them some baked goods, I don’t know, shake a baby and kiss some hands. Also sponsoring us today is everyone’s favourite dive bar, Hole in the Wall reminding everyone of the unlimited wings challenge and a new beer on tap from tonight called Hazard Pay IPA, a citrusy New England for the working man in these hot summer days. The sun is rising, the darkness is almost gone and so am I. To start your day off right here is a cover of [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YbY5YH8c4kg]Oasis’ Wonderwall by hot new artist Violet Orlandi[/url]. They call me Miss Midnight, your demon dream girl and this is me signing off, stay spooky Eden”[/color] Mei hit play on the track and transferred all controls over to the main station. She took off her headphones and placed them flat onto the surface. She emerged from her closet station and into her bedroom; of course she was barely dressed in nothing but her black tank, her black underwear and choker necklace. The benefit of having a portable radio station in her bedroom meant Mei didn’t have to leave the house if she didn’t want to, which after recent events was probably a good thing. The Wiccan priestess stretched her body after being in the cramped soundproof booth for a few hours, her pale skin illuminated by the neon lights on her wall. Her dark eyes fell upon the red head wrapped up in blankets on the bed and a smile crept up across her blood red lips. Mei could not help but feel some kind of joy every time she saw Jill there. She had waited years but there she was, they were together, just like she had dreamed of. Sliding in next to the O’Brien girl, Mei traced her fingers over the Irish temptresses bareback, biting her lip as she did so. A soft murmur was Mei’s reward for her actions as the redhead was slowly jostled from her slumber. This was a routine for the two. Jill was spending more and more time with Mei at her apartment, to the point where she could almost start having her mail sent to the Ramsey estate. She was still adjusting to a more nocturnal lifestyle, a process that started with her descent into darkness during the destructive times post-Mike. However, now she could see the stars with clarity, and she wanted to be out under the moonlight for her girlfriend. Jill had done her best to stay up for Mei’s show, but it had been a busy few days. Tonight, she lasted until around 3am, crawling into the bed the two women shared and falling asleep while waiting for Mei to join her. The feeling of the nails on her bare skin was herald that Miss Midnight had clocked out for the evening and was eager to have her red-headed flame alight to join her. Jill finally rolled over and slowly opened her eyes to shine those light brown orbs as best as her groggy lids would allow. She softly giggled and moved against the Ramsey girl so their skin would touch. [color=fd9100]“Mmmmm, good morning my midnight warrior,”[/color] she said with a soft kiss delivered to Mei’s lips. She could hear the waning strains of Mei’s music choice on the phone that served as her white noise generator, always tuned to her girlfriend’s show if she could manage it. [color=fd9100]“Wait… did you just ‘Anyway, here’s Wonderwall’ your audience before crawling in here with me?”[/color] [color=C652D5]“Listen, it’s a goth version so it’s fine. Still on brand.”[/color] Mei giggled. Fuck she was giggling? Princess of Darkness yet there she was giddy like a school girl because she was madly and deeply in love with the girl that lay next to her. She leaned down and pressed her lips to Jill’s again, running her hand under the, of course, black, duvet covers and following the contours of her dream girl's body down to her silky thigh. Now she understood why redheads were often compared to fire; or wasn’t anything to do with the color of their hair. It was down to the uncontrollable inferno they spark on one's heart when you touch. As Jill leaned into this kiss, allowing her body to entwine with her girlfriend’s yet again, she could help but keep smiling. She caught that giggle. It wasn’t one of those fake ones she knew Mei had put on in high school when she was trying to mock the vapid cheerleaders that surrounded her, be they Pinehurst or Edenridge. It was the real deal Mei Ramsey giggle, and Jill loved the fact that she could bring it out of Miss Midnight. She wrapped her arm around Mei as the kiss was broken. [color=C652D5]“So I have a plan for us today.”[/color] The raven flavoured girl lay her head down next to Jill on the pillow. [color=C652D5]“It’s a three step process.”[/color] There was no doubt that both dream girls were still recovering from their experience on Carlisle Avenue, reliving the terror and the sadness that unfurled itself from the truth of Allison’s death. The beautiful departed. [color=C652D5]“Firstly, we’re gonna goth you up a bit, just cos I feel like today, we need to make this town sexy again,”[/color] Mei said playfully as she admired her girlfriend’s body with her hand. [color=C652D5]“Step two, I’m gonna break into my piggy bank and we are going car shopping cos fuck it, I’m sick of relying on Hailstorm for rides.”[/color] Her hand moved up to the pale face of her Jill and she smiled. Goddess, she hasn’t smiled like this in so long. [color=C652D5]“And thirdly, we are going to do your house, grab your shit and you are gonna move your damn sexy ass in with me. Full time.”[/color] The weight of those words were not lost on Mei. Moving together was a huge step and in the context of them as a couple, it was extremely quick but didn’t bother the goth DJ. She and Jill had been together for years in her mind and this was just logical. Sometimes you just gotta carry that weight. This plan got an eyebrow raise out of Jillian that she wasn’t sure was properly conveying what she thought about things. Sometimes she wondered where Mei found her seemingly endless supplies of energy, to be able to do her radio show in the dead of night, put in a workout and partake in all the escapades she takes part in. Jill thought she had that kind of energy in the past, but it’s been hard to tap into those pools the past year. It seemed easier today though, even with the daunting task list given to her. [color=fd9100]“Well, let me take them in order then, sweets,”[/color] Jill starts as she slowly wakes up. [color=fd9100]“First, I’m totally down for being gothed up. Lilith knows how many times I had to cheerlead you up to get Lanie and the others off your back, so payback is fair and just.”[/color] She giggles a bit, not sure exactly to what extent Mei had planned to take her looks to the dark side. Sure, she was far from a preppy cheerleader anymore, but it was tough for redheads to make goth look good. If anyone could do it, it would be Miss Midnight. [color=fd9100]"Second… actually let's do third first. Third,"[/color] she continued, [color=fd9100]"I am so ready. Feel like I've been living here for years, and I would much rather share a bathroom with you than with A-lazing Grace. I think I just need my clothes, the vanity, various beauty products… and that might be it. Clearly not going to need my bed."[/color] Jill punctuated that last line with a smirk and a wink. Mei truly was raising the dead. Flirty Jill hadn't been seen since the Hole had a $4 cocktail night and Kylee refereed a contest to see how many drinks each girl could get bought for them. Jill won that contest, but now these powers were being used for good again. [color=fd9100]"And finally, second, you have enough for a car, Mei? Like honest to goddess wheels?"[/color] Jill wasn't thrilled on relying on the Hailey Grimm bus service for all their transport needs either, but if Eden's new power couple was going to do everything together, buying a car seems like it should be a collective effort and Jill had little to offer in that transaction at the moment. [color=fd9100]"I mean, I think I still have my license, so I can at least drive. Possibly. But all right, sounds like we have ourselves a day! So, what am I wearing?”[/color] Smiling from ear to ear, Mei popped a kiss on her girlfriend's lips before jumping up to her feet and diving into her closet/studio again. As she rummaged through the clothes she began calling out to her love. [color=C652D5]“Babe, this car. You should fucking see it.”[/color] A lot of serotonin was flowing at the moment inside of the demon dream girl's body. Today was going to be a good day or at least she hoped it would be: they fucking deserved it. [color=C652D5]“1963 Mercury Comet. Originally owned by Rusty from Gallows. It’s the one on their album cover. I’m pretty sure my sister was conceived in this fucking car.”[/color] As her girlfriend continued to rummage, Jill was content to lay back on the bed with the pillows propping her up so she could watch Mei work. She could feel the excitement radiating from the Ramsey girl, even with the description of the circumstances of Reagan's conception. While Gallows generally wasn't on her playlist, her appreciation was growing with each spin of the vinyl that Mei had secured. "Mental note, we are not calling the Comet 'the fucking car'." After much searching, Mei emerged from her walk in holding Jill’s ensemble for the day. She placed it neatly on the bed before her love and sat back down next to her. [color=C652D5]“Sit up for me babe.”[/color] Reaching back to the pile, she pulled an old choker chain from it and gently began to place it around Jill’s neck. [color=C652D5]“This was my Dad’s in the nineties, when he was in the band. Suits you better.”[/color] Wrapping her arms around the good Lady Ashes, Mei kissed the nape of her neck. [color=C652D5]“I’m so glad you want to do this. Goddess knows I’ve been waiting.”[/color] As her lover tenderly linked the chain around her, the choker a stark contrast to the pale white of her skin, Jill softly cooed under the attention. Feeling the soft touch of Mei's lips on her neck felt so right, and the choker that now hung there almost felt like a symbol that she had been claimed. And she was enthralled by it. It was as if she was a part of the night now, and in lockstep with its mistress. [color=fd9100]"I don't think I can imagine Will sporting anything like this, but it is nice to know I wear it better than he does."[/color] The O'Brien girl brushed her hand along Mei's hair, as if to encourage her. [color=fd9100]"And why wouldn't I want to do this, Mei? I am so ready to embrace every part of this life together. Although,"[/color] Jill smirked mischievously as a thought crossed her mind, [color=fd9100]"Just so you know, I am totally the type to bank this for a favor in the future, even if I am thoroughly enjoying it."[/color] [color=C652D5]“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”[/color] Mei remarked as she planted another kiss onto her love before rolling back off of the bed. [color=C652D5]“Let’s go good looking, we’ve got a busy day ahead.”[/color] [hr][hr] A trip up to Boston usually didn’t take long but summer traffic was an absolute bitch! Arriving at the trailer park, Mei expected she and Jill to be met by meth heads and hobos with polka dot rucksacks. Instead they were met with a very chill, commune type of vibe. It was actually quite refreshing to be free from the shithole that they usually called home. Of course, Mei stood out as she so often did in her all black ensemble of a leather shorts, knee highs, fishnets and sheer long sleeve top. From a distance, the Wiccan warrior could see their prize. Sitting outside a modern trailer, sparkling, shining, glowing like the embers in her beloved's hair, was a car, THE car, the Comet! She held the Gallows vinyl in her arms close to her chest as she almost sprinted towards the car. Mei had dreamt of this car since she was eleven years old and found out her dad was in that legendary Edenridge band. Had she not discovered the album tucked away under the stairs one night when she was hiding from a moody Reagan, maybe she wouldn’t have become the goth girl she eventually evolved into. Running up to the car; she began to caress it ever so gently. Goddess, it was beautiful. [color=C652D5]“I’m sorry, babe. I love you but this might actually be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”[/color] As Jill walked around the trailer park, she was happy to let the fresh air hit her after all that time trapped in the CR-V with only the air conditioning to save them. She hadn’t driven much in the last little bit, given that she spent a majority of her time under the influence and didn’t need to add a DUI to her freefall, but she had been sober for a couple of days, the longest stretch of time in months. It did feel nice to have that little bit of clarity… until the cars slowed to a crawl and everything sucked. Still, it was worth it to see the look on Mei’s face. Jill could actually see the excitement and energy in those painted eyes, a look that she was becoming more and more familiar with as their relationship took those first steps. She could even see it on her own face from time to time. Even if she was embracing some darker tones today. Jill could see her face in the reflection of the black enamel paint on the back panel, her pale white skin creating islands of black eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick inside of itself. The lace at the hem of her tank top stood out in contrast to the wide bracelets and the choker she sported, although it did seem more in line with the fishnet stockings she had on under a pair of black cutoffs. She didn’t know how much goth she was rocking, but it was appropriate enough for the summer. Still apparently wasn’t as sexy as the Comet though. [color=fd9100]“Well, she definitely wears black better than I do,”[/color] Jill commented as she traced a finger along the chassis of the car. [color=fd9100]“I can at least say you’re sexier to me than a car. Even this car, and it’s plenty hot, girl.”[/color] Mei grinned Cheshire-like as she stood up from the car and walked up to her girlfriend. Standing next to the Comet, the Good Lady Ashes was an album cover girl in her own right. She wrapped her arms around the girl's waist and slipped her hands into the back pockets of Jill’s cut offs. [color=C652D5]“I’m crushing on the car, true, but you are my one and only”[/color] She pressed their painted lips together in a hard kiss. Breaking away, Mei leaned against the Comet. She thought about all the history that was tied to its obsidian frame and red leather interior. The legend of how Rusty stole it from some big wig in Providence whilst he was on a school trip. How the members of Gallows named themselves whilst sitting in it by the Elder Tree. The making of the Cursed Blood album and how it sat outside Absolute while the band broke up about five times in one session. These were all stories her father told her, though she knew there were so many more that he didn’t want her to know. The Comet was as much a part of Edenridge history as the House on Hanging Hill Lane or the Camp Eden massacre. [color=C652D5]“Now give me five minutes, Imma go pay the lady, get the keys and then you and I are going to go wild in that backseat ‘Kay?”[/color] Mei slapped Jill’s perfectly pert butt hard and shot her a wink before hurrying into the trailer door and entering through it as the seller had requested. Jill was content to smile as she watched Mei walk away into the trailer, the ripple effect still being felt through her body. It was so weird the way their relationship had been transforming the past few days. It was not the first time Miss Midnight had gotten a hand on her backside, but these most recent ones, they weren’t just a congratulations on another well-put on show for the boys at the Hole. She could feel the desire radiating from Mei since they made it official. And damn it felt good to be desired again. Not in the one-night stand sort of way, where she was only good for one brief lay in the hay. Maybe two if the guy was good. This was pure, unbridled lifelong desire. Jillian had never felt anything like this before, not even with the man now in jail. Mei was giving everything to her, and she was absorbing all of it. As she leaned on the Comet, content to just bathe in the sunlight that she had been denying for a while, it all felt good. Jill looked at the backseat Mei had mentioned and gave a soft laugh. [color=fd9100]“Don’t you worry, we’ll move you first, then we’ll go wild in the backseat. Don’t need to be giving the former owners a show.”[/color] After a few minutes, Mei emerged from the trailer with the keys to the car dangling from one finger and her bag still full of cash in the other. She had a confused look on her face as she approached Jill. [color=C652D5]“We’re getting the car for free,”[/color] she began, somewhat flabbergasted. [color=C652D5]“Yeah. She said we were family. I’m assuming because my Dad was in the band? I don’t know. She was kinda weird but fuck it, either the bitch is crazy or we’re about to die a horrible death in this thing but at least we’ll go out looking sexy as hell.”[/color] Clearly, Jill wasn’t very good at hiding the stunned look on her face, since Mei read her reaction perfectly. A vintage car like this for free! This was not the kind of good fortune that found its way into Edenridge. Jillian opened her mouth as if to say something, then shut it, then started again. [color=fd9100]“You know what, if that’s how we join the rest of the cheerleading squad, we will have an awesome story to tell them when we get there. Totally worth it.”[/color] Moving over to the driver's side, Mei stared at the car that she had dreamt of for years. The Comet, to her, was more than just a car. It was an idea, a thought and a feeling. It was the inspiration for a song, her favourite; a tale of longing, like she had done for Jill for so many years. It was a story of a desperate search for meaning and for love and for finding it in the most unexpected of places. It was more than just a car, it was The Comet. She climbed inside and just drank in the euphoric sensation that was coursing through her veins. She cracked open the glove compartment, it was filled with photos, notes and a pair of vintage aviators. It was just like the crazy trailer lady had said; it was untouched. With her dark eyes glowing, Mei looked up towards Jill with a happy smile . [color=C652D5]“Wanna go for a ride, sugartits?”[/color] The redhead plucked the aviators out of the open compartment and slid them effortlessly on her face, the black lipstick combining with the dark glasses to give herself a vintage look to match her girlfriend’s new car. She smiled wide, teeth shown. [color=fd9100]“I’d follow you into the River Styx, babydoll,”[/color] she affirmed. [color=fd9100]“Although, here’s my plan. Quick drive around, make sure the Comet works, come back here, take my car back to our place, hop in the Comet, find a nice quiet spot in Eden, and then christen the backseat so hard that songs will have to be written about what we did today. Sound good?”[/color] [color=C652D5]“Sounds perfect”[/color] Mei forwent all idiosyncrasies, nervousness and longing as she stuck the key into the ignition and started her up. The car’s sudden, beautiful vibration as it roared into life for the first time in years made her grip the wheel that much tighter as she let out an audible gasp of pleasure and excitement. [color=C652D5]“Fuck I think I just had an orgasm”[/color] She quipped as she began to stroke the steering while with tenderness. There she was, in her dream car with her dream girl. If life was but a dream, it was a dream she didn’t want to wake up from. Kill her dead now Goddess and she would die, for the first time in her life perhaps, happy. She glanced over at Jill who had placed the shades upon her face and she looked divine. [color=C652D5]“Let’s rock and roll”[/color] She put her foot down on the gas, forcing the car out from the makeship trailer driveway and out onto the open road. And the girl saw a comet and now her life had meaning….