[centre][h2]Morgana Faith[/h2][/centre] It was very rarely the case that such an ominous phrase would be followed by something pleasant and as Morgana leaned over Madeleine’s shoulder to read what she had found she saw that this time was not an exception. [color=c4df9b]“Well, it seems my attempts at being coy were useless.”[/color] Her family did this. Maybe not directly, but they had a hand in the unpleasantness that surrounded them, providing the knowledge needed to create the bewitching ritual at the very least and perhaps the resources and the man power as well. She had suspected as much when she had seen the tattoo but didn’t want to jump to conclusions; a few aspects of the ritual had been more than just familiar, but her family were hardly the only witches in England or the only ones to use such techniques. That her family’s crest, the one she had not worn in years, would appear on the wall of a murdered man’s apartments drawn in his own blood was a little harder to excuse however. [color=c4df9b]“Yes, it seems that my family, and in particular my mother, are involved with this Mr X in some capacity.”[/color] To what end and to what extent she didn’t know. She had intended to find out, on her own time and by her own methods, which was why she had not said anything at first; that was no longer possible now though and likely never had been. Still, she had wanted to keep these matters separate from the investigation; she had joined the OMR after breaking from her family and would prefer to keep the two from ever meeting. Lest the latter become tainted. [color=c4df9b]“I would hope that this does not make me a suspect, seeing as how I rather publicly broke ties with the rest of the Faith family years ago. I would understand if this would lead you to request my removal from this investigation, however; seeing as how I am no longer… impartial in these matters.”[/color] [@Kumbaris][@Martian]