My first character selected was one by the name of a Mr. "Winfrey Malsorn", who was posted on "The Assassin's Guild" RP on May 24 2019. I think it's easy to say that both my character creation skills and website finesse have increased since then. [hider="Winfrey Malsorn"] Name: Winfry Malsorn Age: 18 Gender: Male Ref image optional: Bio optional: Literally had to fend for himself after 16. Father has no contact with him, while he ended up watching his own mother die in front of his own eyes. Is extremely sensitive, but tries to mask his insecurities with jokes and stories. In his old town, he was nicknamed the "Dying Jester" due to his borderline personality and relationships. Wears a bull's skull with a hood to be "edgy". Is seemingly social-able,but he generally acts uninterested after the first few meetings. (Makes keeping an intimate friendship or relationship strong or healthy). Has SLIGHTLY above average intelligence, but is more charismatic and "street smart". Wears thick cotton boots with rubber soles for sound nullification. Generally carries a dagger, crossbow, and broadsword. Skills: Is skilled with most forms of common weaponry, but is physically fragile. He is extremely persuasive. Is a very sneaky boyo. Can easily make friends, but would rather avoid common human contact. Has great sight for whatever reason. Has highly sensitive hearing. [/hider] It seems I wrote this character to be some sort of... Rouge character? It's kind of hard to discern with the description I wrote nearly three years ago, but the character is stated to using mostly a dagger and crossbow, along with his overall appearance, it kind of just points to rouge or thief characters. This CS is VERY scarce with very little [i]descriptive[/i] backstory and even less abilities/skills. I assume this was for some character based freeform RP, however, I am far too lazy to go back and read all of the posts made, so that is not up to me. Link to character sheet: Fandom: Original Status: Inactive Date added: May 24 2019 RP Name: The Assassin's Guild Forum: Free Roleplay Link: