[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4dMorzN.png[/img][/center] Niall had been traveling for some time before he reached his destination; Lightsword territory. After having received words from the Queen Sorcha and coordinates for a meetup with herself and her knights, Niall wasted not a minute and was on his way. For months prior he had been traveling the land, helping those in need and killing those foul creatures or deserving humans as needed killing, making a name for himself. He could've continued like this, but the offer he received...it was an opportunity to do more. Niall arrived at destination for some time now, and managed to jump atop one of the fort's tower without being noticed. Sun was setting by the time he spotted the Queen in the distance - much further than a normal human would have spotted her, most probably. What he did not spot was the Bandits that prepared to attack this fort. They did so before the Queen was in earshot of the battle, and while Niall could've jumped in he refrained from doing so to try and time himself with the arriving reinforcement and maximize the effect of surprise on the bandits. The Lightsword were more than able to hold their own for a short time still, it seemed like. With the brash female knight charging into the fray, it was time. From the top of the tower, Niall braced his lance and crouched before launching himself downward at [i]incredible[/i] speed. In a flash, his Lance found it's mark in a bandit that, whether he would have succeeded or not, was about to attack Leo's back. The speed and energy of Niall's landing made him slide towards another opponent, still crouched. It was a second before the second bandit realized what happened and looked down to strike the Owl Knight, but the Lance parried the sword away and cut the bandit down in one fluid motion. Standing back at full height, Niall braced Eye of Night at the ready, facing any bandits that were facing him. From beneath his helmet, a cold yet assured voice called out; [color=a187be]"My name is Niall Ulchabhán. Those of you who wish to die, come at me. Those who wish to live, drop your weapons." [/color]