[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/PJVn13TQ/What-If-Logo.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Morose][@Nallore][@Kirah][/center][hr] [b][i][u]City Streets[/u][/i][/b] [color=silver]"I can also just go and check in with both groups from time to time so we aren't having to yell out any sort of updates and such just so everyone knows what's going on, just to ensure I'm not in the air for too long, otherwise they'd likely notice me easily, and to ensure that we aren't alerting them to our presence unless we actually have to..."[/color] Thalia commented as her wings started to sort of appear on her back and extend out to the sides. [color=silver]"I suppose I'll see you in a little while then."[/color] She instantly took off into the sky, soaring up above one of the buildings and out of easy view of the others. It was moments like this where she sort of wished that she could turn invisible, since then she wouldn't have to risk them easily spotting her or even really knowing that she is there in general. Being spotted would likely end badly, and she was preparing herself for the possibility that she'll be shot out of the sky or something if she gets spotted. She's more of planning on potentially hopping from rooftop to rooftop to hopefully not be seen too easily. As for the others, they'll easily be able to get closer to the area where Magneto's goons have set up base. They'll hear the noise getting a bit louder and voices easily being heard from the distance that they were at. Eventually, they would be fairly close to the area, where it might be better to potentially split up and cover more ground that way. If they looked up, they'd be able to spot Thalia on a nearby rooftop, but other then that they'd see no one, unless they got more into the area that is. [b][i][u]City Hall[/u][/i][/b] Lance just sort of followed along towards the stairway that Carolina had found downwards, with Pietro flicking on a flashlight as he followed along. He rolled his eyes slightly, before he lifted his hand and a ball of light appeared, allowing him to see more easily his surroundings. It did help that he was more or less able to conjure up some form of light The basement area wasn't exactly very big, just more or less a hallway with a few doors along it leading into the few rooms that were in the area. [color=yellow]"Shouldn't be too far along I'd think. Then again there aren't too many potential options for that or whatever,"[/color] he commented with a shrug, before glancing at the various doors. Pietro was getting a little bit bored though, thinking this was going way too slowly, and started racing around at the least opening up the doors to poke his head inside before screeching to a halt right next to a room a few doors down from the staircase. [color=7ea7d8]"This one, pretty sure, only one that looks like it might be the one we're looking for,"[/color] he said to them, before stepping inside. Lance went up to the door and walked in, entering a room with what looked to be several shelves filled with boxes and various filing cabinets sort of scattered around the room. There was a bit of a musty sort of smell in the room, and it definitely was just as rundown and all as the rest of the building, but this definitely looked to be the room that would have the plans for the building. Lance walked up to one of the filing cabinets, and with a bit of work, he managed to get it open, though the cabinets were stiff and seemed like they might need some force to open.