[color=00aeef]"Simply put the orders are as followed for masters: Use your command seals to make sure your servants do not suffer a shattering of their spirit origin if they enter against an enemy servant, or creature they harms them, provide support with spells, or weapons, that you see fit. There is no priority on who to rescue first, if there is anyone to rescue, simply take what I say as a recommendation from my own personal thoughts on the matter. Ultimately you will follow Leon's orders to some extent, or another. That being said do not mistake me for Amisphere if anyone here is at threat of causing mission failure, which would be the destruction of Team B, or aiding in the further destabilization of Fuyuki, Japan's current state into an even worse singularity we will terminate the coffins of either Team A, if they have become hostiles, or Team B if it turns out one of you has an issue with prospective of being the heroes."[/color] Comments Orson with more stern punctuation as he wraps his hand behind his back. Mordred after choosing to not start a fight for the moment with the, from her perspective, the bitchy master of lancer turned to Orson. [color=ed1c24]"The hell are you on about? You going to kill the masters if you find them 'wanting' or something? That's pretty brutal. Also kind of an asshole thing to say to a group risking their necks."[/color] Mordred commented bluntly as Caster spoke up this time, [color=ec008c]"This is the fate of humanity Saber. We will not take half measures on this matter. The individuals gathered were choose for their skill, or the expertise in some sort of combat or magecraft. That being said a threat to humanity is still just that. I believe that should be enough said. Simply put 'don't be a traitor'. And everything will be fine. The alternative is having the servant cut off from mana and one of the masters being replaced by Team C's captain, and sub captain if such an thing is an issue. We have alternatives."[/color] comments Archimedes with no hint of remorse for his backing of Orson. Leon grimaced at the thought of being cut off in his coffin but duty calls he was here as a savior to humanity, a hero. He had no intentions of messing up here. So everything will be fine. After a brief travel to the Sleeping Coffins Rayshfit room. Team B is informed that they will be dropped right in the middle of Fuyuki in a vacant house, it would be best that they do all they can to not cause too much trouble, and establish what exactly is going on. For good measure each of them is given a emergency microphone directly stiched into their mystic code's collar. They were made by Archimedes to talk directly to Chaldea in case of system failure and they can't communicate with the normal system. As the Team enters their sleeping coffins the process activates and they are soon whisked out of their body.... =========== Chapter 1: Desolate Fuyuki As the crew arrives shortly in a rather dusty house some furniture covers the room with some bowls in the sink, and cooking supplies laid out but none of which seemed to be touched. It was a traditional looking house. Leon looks around and coughs a bit as Saber appears by his side, and so do the others. Its sparsely furnished, and the people in the house who were here before seemed to have left very little behind. He moves to the window in another room, and looks outside. [color=ed1c24]"I don't know why but this place pisses me off...a whole lot."[/color]. Saber mumbled as she watched Leon move towards the window, and looked around some more and starts to investigate the place to see if he can try and make use of it as a makeshift base. From what he saw outside the sky was a light grey like it was about to rain. The outside of the house had an impact creator of some sort. Looked like a servant fight, or perhaps something left from whatever happened in Fuyuki. Otherwise the house seemed like a typical Japanese house...a bit bigger than usual but nice? If not for the fact Mordred felt like the place was not to her liking he'd suggest sticking around it for a bit. However off into the distance he could see the sky scrappers from the main city off in the distance...they didn't appear to be powered as there was no blinking lights? Looks like it was indeed abandoned.