[@Shu] Submitted for your review. I used the template you provided. I found the "meatier" text becomes buried to the right of the borders of the forum. You must slide it right to see everything. [hider=Kichirō Takagi] [center][h1]Kichirō Takagi[/h1] [b][i][h3][color=7ea7d8]"The mind is like water. When it's turbulent, it's difficult to see. When it's calm, everything becomes clear." - Kichirō Takagi[/color][/h3][/i][/b][/center] [table] [row] [hr] [/row][row] [cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lJ1EfSX.png[/img][/center] [center] ___________________________________[/center] P R O F I L E [indent] [sub]Age[/sub] [indent][sub]30[/sub][/indent] [sub]Race[/sub] [indent][sub]Human[/sub][/indent] [sub]Gender[/sub] [indent][sub]Male[/sub][/indent] [sub]Height[/sub] [indent][sub]68” (172.7cm)[/sub][/indent] [sub]Weight[/sub] [indent][sub]152 Lbs (69Kg)[/sub][/indent] [/indent] [indent] [sub]Alignment[/sub] [indent][sub]Lawful Good[/sub][/indent] [sub]Class[/sub] [indent][sub]Mystic Monk[/sub][/indent] [sub]Level[/sub] [indent][sub]1[/sub][/indent] [sub]Planar Lineage[/sub] [indent][sub]Water[/sub][/indent] [sub]Health Points[/sub] [indent][sub]26[/sub][/indent] [/indent] [center] ___________________________________[/center] I N V E N T O R Y [indent][sub] - long violet colored silk robes with silver decorative trim. - Bō stick - two Tong Fa sticks - Tabi (One piece sock/boot made of cotton around the ankle and leather around the foot.) - small pack containing items needed for spell casting - flasks of oil - food - money - candles - incense - flasks of water - flint and tinder - parchment - quill and ink - spell book - bed roll - small pouch filled with cherry blossom flower petals - small pouch containing powder form of dried puffer fish livers - small vial and stopper containing seaweed extract - leather cord with a piece of Jade attached. Worn as a necklace [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] E Q U I P M E N T [indent][sub] - Bō Staff - Tong Fa ([s]PR24[/s]) - Unarmed combat - Cloth [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] A T T R I B U T E S [indent] [sub]Points: 12 Athletics: 12 (Class Bonus +2) Dexterity: 12 (+2) Intelligence: 16 (+4 / +2 Class Bonus) Wisdom: 14 (+3 / +1 Class Bonus) Charisma: 10 Constitution: 13 (+3)[/sub] [/indent] [center] ___________________________________[/center] S K I L L S [indent] [sub]Points: 8 (A) Strength: 0 (A) Agility: 2 (+2) (D) Stealth: 0 (D) Acrobatics: 2 (+1 / +1 Class Bonus) (D) Trickery: 0 (I) History: 0 (I) Nature: 0 (I) Arcana: 2 (+1 / +1 Class Bonus) (I) Religion: 2 (+2) (W) Perception: 1 (+1) (W) Medicine: 1 (+1) (W) Survival: 0 (C) Persuasion: 0 (C) Deception: 0 (C) Intimidation: 0 (C) Performance: 0[/sub] [/indent] [/cell][cell] ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE [indent][sub]Kichirō is 5'8" (68"), slender and lean. He is bald with a small patch of hair at the back of his head forming a braided ponytail roughly 18" in length. Kichirō Takagi is considered a handsome man with well-defined facial features. He wears a thin goatee, black in color. His eyecolor is brown with hints of a green and orange. Kichirō wears long violet colored silk robes with silver decorative trim. He occasionally wears a tanned cowhide leather vest with lamb's fur lining and a similar cap, when the weather is inclement.[/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKSTORY [indent][sub] Kichirō was raised in the Western Truanian province of Akmipur in a small village known as Kudara. Truania is located north along the border with Esaad. Kichirō's grandfather suffered a defeat at the hands of a member of a rival family. His actions brought shame upon the family. As a result, the grandfather's eldest son was obligated to give up [i]his[/i] eldest son to the local monastery to become a monk/priest in an effort to rid the shame cast upon the family name. As part of his commitment to the temple, Kichirō then had to swear off his family, severing all ties with them. Regardless of the lack of contact with the family, they remain full of pride for their son who now roams the world helping others. From an early age, Kichirō was destined to become a Sharaqan monk. He has lived at the Monastery since he was five years old and has been studying unarmed martial combat skills since he was six years old. Most of his teachings have been religious in nature; focusing on the loving graces of Arhanphast and his followers. He was taught to sacrifice his own desires over the needs of those less fortunate. He feels no material attachments to this world. He has harnessed his inner energy through the element of water, a trait handed down through his ancestry. Kichirō's purpose is to heal as many people as he can in this world. Much of his time is spent in deep meditation communing with the spirits and strengthening his energies. This is where he gains the ability to cast any of several different spells. He maintains a book where he annotates his spells in his pack. Each time he encounters a new spell, he must spend time focusing on this spell which is transcribed into his book. After several hours of practice, he can hone this new spell and use it when needed. When Kichirō was twenty-five he took a vow of silence for one year. When his year was up, he successfully completed the vow and was allowed to leave the temple at will. He remained with the temple for an additional four years before he took up a personal quest. With the monastery leaders' permission, he began a quest to heal as many people in the outside world as possible. During his time in the Sharaqan Temple, Kichirō has studied Arhanphast and the teachings of Sharaqism, as well as armed (Bō stick and Tong fa) and unarmed combat as a means of allowing his energy to flow through his being and his spirit. He also practices caligraphy, herbalism, alchemy and potion making. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ PERSONALITY [indent][sub]Kichirō is focused and reticent. He cares for all living beings and is saddened by loss and hardship. His sadness is not crippling and Kichirō will do whatever he can to allay the suffering. He is soft spoken; reserving speech only for when questioned.[/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK [indent][sub] Kichirō has taken an oath to the great father, Arhanphast and the teachings of Sharaqism. Kichirō has a positive outlook on life and is willing to give the benefit of the doubt to everyone. If others betray him he feels he can no longer trust them until they prove trustworthy again. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ SPELLBOOK [indent][sub] [B][COLOR=00a99d]Blessing of Healing[/COLOR][/B] - Kichirō must be focused and within 10 feet of a wounded friend and heal a small amount of their wounds. There is no material component for this spell. Kichirō must utter or think [i]"Sano"[/i] and focus upon the recipient of this healing spell. It is a low-level spell which will stop bleeding, in some manner; maybe cauterizing the wound and restore breathing. The wound is still exposed and subject to infection. The reverse of this spell enables Kichirō to inflict a small amount of damage upon an enemy. Kichirō must utter or think, [i]"Lanio"[/i] in order to inflict a small wound upon an enemy. The wound will ooze with blood and is subject to possible infection. [B][COLOR=00a99d]Suitengu's Surge[/COLOR][/B] is a water spell allowing Kichirō to cast a ray of lethargy-inducing energy which numbs the reflexes of the target. The material component for this spell is [b]dried puffer fish liver crushed to a powder form[/b]. Kichirō must utter or think [i]"Relaxo Non Illud Faciunt"[/i] while focusing on the target of this spell, then blow a pinch of powdered puffer fish liver at him/her. The powder does not need to reach the target, just blown in the general direction. The target will feel as though they are enduring one of the worst hangovers of their lives. Their will to continue depletes sifnificantly. The natural instinct for self-preservation is seriously degraded. The weight of their weapons feels like four times heavier than normal. The effects of this spell only last five minutes at best but can provide sufficient time for an ally to subdue an opponent. Every application to the same target gets progressively shorter duration of effect. A second application of this spell would only last two and a half minutes, and a third application would last one minute and fifteen seconds. [B][COLOR=00a99d]Strike of Flowing Waters[/COLOR][/B] is a water spell allowing Kichirō to bestow the power of the swiftly flowing river, so the target's attacks flow through and around armor. increases chance to hit and damage, negating effects of armor. Kichirō can apply this spell in two manners. The first is to place [b]three drops of Seaweed extract[/b] upon the friend's weapon to imbue it temporarily with this spell for up to two hours. Kichirō must also utter, [i]"Peto Vere Secta"[/i] while placing the drops on the weapon. The second method involves placing the three drops of Seaweed extract upon the friend's tongue and uttering or thinking, [i]"Peto Vere Secta"[/i] to temporarily imbue the friend with the ability to always strike his opponent where his armor is not protecting him/her regardless of weapon used. The Seaweed Extract has a foul bitter taste and has been known to cause a few to vomit from its terrible after taste. [B][COLOR=00a99d]Mend the Spirit[/COLOR][/B] is a water spell which allows Kichirō to dispel any magical effect from the target. This spell works on inanimate objects that have been cursed or magically enchanted. Kichirō must hold or place his hand upon the object and utter or think [i]"Obigo Magus"[/i] for this spell to work. The spell is instantaneous and will not prevent future spells being cast upon the item. Once the spell is removed, it is gone permanently unless someone recasts the spell. [color=00746b][u]Kichirō is currently studying the following spells:[/u][/color] Ebbing Strength - buff/debuff Takes energy from an opponent and gives it to a friend. Gift of the Kami (Spirits) - Buff Enhances a friend's combat abilities. Strength of the Thunders - Buff makes a friend twice his/her size. [/sub][/indent] [/cell] [/row] [/table] [/hider]