[center][h2][color=a36209]Bunga[/color] | [b]James[/b] [b]Nazca[/b] | [color=ff0000]Ryuuko[/color] | [color=f7976a]Bang[/color][/h2][/center] [hider=Nothing Relating To Drugs Of Any Kind] [color=a36209]”Perfect! Then what are we waiting for? Let’s pay the restaurant and go towards the hospital.”[/color] And with much enthusiasm (along with a quick attempt to pay the servant). The duo finally started walking towards the hospital, where this mysterious incident involving Nazca Whitehall happened. She is simply curious at what happened last night, and perhaps conversing with Nazca might very well uncover the brouhaha that happened while she was fast asleep. [color=a36209]“James. If you would lend me your imagination. What do you think happened last night?”[/color] Bunga asked, her face expressing confusion at the thought of such chaos happening last night. The scale of the chaos, at least from her reading through the grapevine. Seemed to be quite unprecedented. A student hospitalized, a building destroyed, and potentially even more yet to be uncovered acts of destruction. She’s kinda thankful that her dorm wasn’t really affected by the happenings of that night. [b]”It’s easy enough to speculate that there was an altercation. Destruction of that scale means that multiple combatants - perhaps polymaths - were involved. Whether or not it was Jeanne’s fault remains to be seen.”[/b] James had other reasons to go to the hospital. First was to see if Jeanne was around for the tonic and the other was to see about his roommate and Bunga’s meeting. As he entered the hospital he uncovered his head, holding his hat with one hand and walking briskly while looking around for Jeanne and her compatriots. All the while walking alongside someone who’s admittedly underdressed. He paid no heed, though one could probably find such a sight strange. He approached one of the nurses at the reception. [b]”Good day, we’re looking for a friend of ours. Perhaps their friends are here too, such as Miss Bordeaux perhaps?”[/b] The nurse greeted the British man, and gave Bunga a weird stare, examining the choice of clothing she wore, her eyes squinted for a little bit. The dark-haired woman made no moves that looked overly cautious, however, and after a moment, she nodded towards the two of them. “And the name of your friend, Mr…?” [b]”Mister Porter. The name of the person I’m looking for is a Mister Le Bang Kieu or perhaps a Miss Nazca Whitehall? In fact, my language is a bit misleading. I don’t particularly know who’s injured, I just know they are in the same group and I wanted to check in.”[/b] James smiled politely, knowing that this scene is particularly strange. He wasn’t lying though, Jeanne did write to him as if they were friends for a long time and Bang was his roommate who he found good company in, and Nazca was a half-lie they weren’t friends but they were both from the land of fish and chips - [i]Good old Queen’s England damn it![/i] So he did have some valid reasons to check in. The question really was, would they be surprised? Would they be friendly? What was going to happen if they were really here and if they were to meet them? These thoughts intruded in his mind, though he doubted any interaction would be met with too much hostility, especially around someone who’s wounded. “I see. Well, if you could allow me a moment, Mr Porter.” As she spoke, the receptionist’s eyes flickered down at a directory not visible to the two students, her long fingers spinning the dial of an old-fashioned phone before picking it up. A few more moments elapsed, and then she said, her voice a couple degrees brighter than before, “Good morning, is this Miss Whitehall? Your friend, Mr. Porter, is here to pay you a visit. Would you like me to send him and his companion up, or would you prefer to be left alone for now?” … “A Mr. Porter.” … “Understood, I’ll send him up promptly.” She ended the call, turned to the couple once more, and, without smiling, directed them up to the third floor of the hospital, towards the east wing, five rooms down. The group walked towards the room directed to the nurse. She says that Nazca’s room was the East Wing, five rooms down. But it felt more like some sort of maze rather than going to the East Wing of some hospital. Bunga herself is feeling a little bit confused by the directions within the hospital, not really helped by the crushing silence of the all white interior, white halls, white doors, white lighting, it was all white, save for the occasional window letting sunshine through. Honestly it would be trivially easy for Bunga to just simply get lost within the interiors of these halls if it weren’t for James accompanying her. It was much to the fortune of the duo that they finally found Ms Nazca’s room in the east wing. Both of them finally standing in front of the door where Ms Nazca should be held. And the sounds of argumentation can be heard inside of it. [color=a36209]“Hmm?”[/color] The woman wondered. Listening to the rather loud murmurs of debate and argument from the other side, not really able to decipher anything, but able to understand the rage and frustration welling on the other side. [color=a36209]“Perhaps… you should open the door Mr Porter? I feel like some stranger waltzing into the room right now would not be preferable. Considering the… rather heated nature of whatever’s happening in the other room.”[/color] Gosh, just what could they be arguing about? The woman’s curiosity burned. James stared at the door for a few moments, trying to make sense of their conversation, but as he was out of the loop, he might as well be direct. He took his right hand and knocked on the door as to make their presence known. [b]”Pardon the interruption, I’m sure whatever you’re talking about in there is of great import, but may I ask if we could come in gents?”[/b] He paused before stating his intentions, [b]”... I understand tensions are high, but I’m here on some business relating to my [i]’good friend’[/i] Jeanne, whilst the person beside me has some business with Bang. By the way, if you’re in there Bang, the dorm may smell a bit weird. If you should return today, know that it’s perfectly normal and perfectly safe and nothing relating to drugs of any kind.”[/b] The last part he said in jest and one could almost hear his tone shift from professional to casual and laid back in an instant. Bang’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, a small smile gracing his face as he recognised the voice. Nonetheless, he looked to Jeanne for confirmation. Jeanne nodded, rising from her seat and moving for the door. She deigned to offer James her arm, though her gait made it clear that she would be the one to lead in this walk they were taking. He gave a small nod to Bunga before turning back to Jeanne and taking her invitation. Of course the package he had for her was ready, as for the rest of the walk, there was more that remained to be seen. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Nayang Neighbours] Bunga slowly opened the door. Sliding herself as slyly as an untrained snoop, her training back with that pervert master of hers didn’t really help her when it comes to sneaking around. She meekly waved her hand to the group. The woman’s eyes glazing over the quintuplet of individuals, on the bed is definitely Nazca Whitehall, the woman injured by last midnight’s scuffle, and right next to her is Higashiakemi Ryuuko. A Japanese-German egoist who fled her homeland, while the man wearing the suit seems to be the Mr Le Bang Kieu she has heard some much about these last couple of days. She should know these people, although not personally acquainted, all these polymathematicians are famous in their respective fields Making such an observation. Bunga gulped a little bit, she’s standing among young prodigies, but there’s no reward without risk, and so, the Egoist introduced herself. [color=a36209]“Hello everyone. My name is Bunga Kurniawan. I’ve been searching for a Miss Nazca Whitehall and a Mr Le Bang Kieu. I have always been interested in the clockwork machines Miss Whitehall has created for herself, while I have a much more personal set of questions for Mr Kieu. Would you mind if I interrupt your uhh, discussion for a bit?”[/color] [color=a36209]“Oh, dan untuk awak yang faham bahasa melayu. Saya juga cakap berbahasa melayu, saya datang dari bandar Palembang. (And for anyone who understands Malay, I can also speak malay. I’m from Palembang)”[/color] If she can make herself as small as possible while the quadruplet discussed among themselves who this stranger is, the better. Sadly, formulae that can change one’s size have not been invented in this world. Perhaps she might innovate one assuming this turns sour? Ugh, the mood’s turning sour real fast for her to even think of such things. Wait, now that she thought about it, maybe formulae changing one’s size smaller might be invented after all. Has it though? Her mind’s too scattered to think right now, considering the frying pan she entered here in this hospital room. [hr] [b]“We must take immediate, proactive action!”[/b] Nazca could be heard insisting as her new visitors filed into her room. As angry as she was, her voice was not overly raised despite the heated discussion going on in her room. Even after all this, she had not forgotten her manners, after all. She did pause, however, to fix a withering glare on one Mr. Porter, and then the strange, ill-dressed woman that followed in afterwards. After all, she had been told that she was going to be visited by one acquaintance of an Englishman, yet said gentleman had entered the room and failed to address her, let alone offer his condolences for the reason she was in this recovery room to begin with. Nazca was done with these shenanigans almost as quickly as they started. [b]“Yes. I mind very much, thank you.”[/b] Expression still showing some degree of anger due to the heated discussion, Ryuuko looked at the two people that just entered the room with a raised eyebrow. The man left again, with Jeanne in tow, almost immediately after. While the other one was a woman who wore what seemed to be unfinished articles of clothing on her person. [color=FF0000]”.... What’s this all about? Never mind. Frankly, we’re currently in a rather important discussion… So unless Bang would prefer we stow this talk for later in favor of having whatever conversation it is that you intended to have with him, Ms. Bunga…”[/color] She looked to the side at Bang, not finishing her sentence. [color=f7976a]“I’ve uh… This is the first time I’ve seen this person,”[/color] Bang felt a strange need to clarify that. He winced. He was the type to try and see the good in people but this girl had interrupted at a very awkward time. Still, she didn’t need a third person haranguing her. [color=f7976a]“I apologise, Miss Kurniawan. Do you have actual business here or is this purely a, uh…”[/color] He eyed her outfit warily. [color=f7976a]“...a social visit?”[/color] [color=a36209]“Ah… uhh. I think I’ll just.. slither into this couch right here and pretend that I don’t exist until whatever you’re arguing here is finished.”[/color] She responded. Slowly making her way into a nearby couch within the hospital bed and curling up, she knew that she interrupted at a bad time, and now it seems that their ire is going to be directed to Bunga herself. She knows she can’t really go outside. Lest she won’t be ever let in again, but she has to get something off of both Bang and Nazca right now. Lest everything will become considerably harder for her. Bang blinked in disbelief. He’d met kids like this in the hospital, the types too unaware to be left to their own devices or they would harm themselves or someone else. The level of severity was varied of course. He should have expected the ‘genius’ types to be socially stunted in some way. He watched the girl take her corner, cringing at the display the entire time, and stifled a beleaguered sigh. [color=f7976a]“...We can continue this later.”[/color] If Bang still experienced headaches, he probably would have felt one at this moment. [color=f7976a]“I’ll answer whatever questions you have, Miss Kurniawan. Let’s talk. Outside.”[/color] He left the room without waiting for a response, cane clacking with a sharp tempo. [color=FF0000][i]Huh.[/i][/color] For someone with such a provocative outfit, this Bunga girl was a very meek one. [color=FF0000][i]So this likely meant that the outfit is merely something commonly worn where she came from. What a pity, I thought she's one of those who's brave enough to go against the norm...[/i][/color] Ryuuko sighed and shrugged, and then responded simply to Bang. [color=FF0000]"Very well..."[/color] Nazca shot the two of them a dirty look as they left. The woman decided to go follow the Vietnamese man outside of the room. Her enthusiasm of the morning turned into nervousness as she walked towards the door, she bowed her head towards the man wearing the suit, and promptly introduced herself yet again. [color=a36209]“I’m Bunga Kurniawan, as you might know, but just call me Bunga if you prefer practicality. I’ve been uh, looking for you the entire day yesterday Mr Bang, and also I have some uhh, more professional business involving academics with Nazca. But, first things first.”[/color] The Nusantaran Egoist proceeded to shake his hand very vigorously, smiling at the prospect of meeting another person from the same region. [color=a36209]“You are the first person from Nanyang that I’ve met before. I know that Vietnam and the Federation ain’t really that close culturally, but I’ve been dying to meet someone from the general vicinity.”[/color] She proceeded to let go of his hand, now awkwardly smiling. [color=a36209]“Sorry, just… a bit too wound up from being the only person from the Southeastern Orient here. I’m just very excited to meet you.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“I…”[/color] Huh, was that it? He gave her his best reassuring smile, finding it a little more difficult than usual. [color=f7976a]“I understand that one can feel a little homesick in these times. I hope you will find the solace you need soon. Though I imagine that isn’t the only reason you were seeking me out, I assume? A whole day is a long time to spend.”[/color] Bunga does have a more klutzy and significantly more carefree demeanor than even most of her colleagues back in her days in Palembang, but she is a Polymath through and through, and one of the qualities Polymaths must possess is the ability to see detail, even if it’s just for a split-second. And she noticed Bang’s porcelain arm as she shaked the Vietnamese man. Something she’ll keep in mind for some later use perhaps, but nothing worth mentioning right now. [color=a36209]“Yes actually. I have much bigger inquiries for you than just the pleasure of meeting you, for one. Are you aware of polymaths from the Majapahit Federation around Bermuda? This sorta relates to you, but I feel that I am literally the only Polymath from Nusantara around here. Don’t you feel the same?”[/color] He shrugged and answered honestly. [color=f7976a]“I suppose I have. I can’t say that has led me to feel any sort of isolation during my brief tenure at Bermuda however. The acquaintances I’ve made have proven to be engaging and I’m looking forward to furthering my connections with them. The aim of this academy was to unite the regions and Majors after all. I’m enjoying my freedom abroad.”[/color] Anything was better than his ‘castle tower’ back home. Honestly. Bunga can’t really disagree with the Vietnamese man. She has enjoyed her time studying here in Bermuda, the libraries and other magnificent architecture wowed the woman when she first disembarked, and the various peoples from many different cultures also astounded her as well. It’s been a good learning experience for her. But it just feels awfully strange that she is the only Nusantaran to be on this island. [color=a36209]“Don’t you find it weird that, for such a cosmopolitan and multicultural island, that we are perhaps the only ones from Nanyang here?”[/color] Bunga asked Bang. [color=a36209]“This is supposed to be the nexus of knowledge and innovation, a place for everyone to meet and trade knowledge, and while I have seen many people from the Mughal Empire, Zhongguo, Nippon, Abya Yala and the Occident. I haven’t seen anyone from the region I lived in.”[/color] [color=a36209]“Say, have you encountered other Vietnamese while you’re here? Certainly Vietnam has made contributions to the field of Egoism, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t met any Vietnamese while I’m here. Hence my question about Polymaths from Nusantara not being here.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“I haven’t myself but…”[/color] What was she talking about? [color=f7976a]“I really don’t think we’re the only ones from the South East? I was reading through the student register just last night actually and I did see people from our region. And even if what you’re saying is true, it might just be a case of personal bias on behalf of the administration. Our countries are rather small, you know. Comparatively.”[/color] Ah, how to phrase this gently. [color=f7976a]“I’d suggest going out and seeing more people. We’re only in our first week of arrival, I’m sure there’s plenty of familiar faces we both haven’t encountered.”[/color] Well. you don’t become a polymath just by agreeing to every single idea, and Bunga did reluctantly agree mentally. This whole affair of hers has only been going for a couple of days, but the woman still felt like she’s the only person present here from her own nation. But no point in beating around the bush. It doesn’t seem the Bang is all too familiar with the matter himself, Bunga expected the man to know people from Nanyang personally, not from reading the student ledger. [color=a36209]“Ah well. You might be right.”[/color] She relented. [color=a36209]“I’ll try and go mingle with other people, it’s only been a couple of days.”[/color] [color=a36209]“Speaking of a couple of days though. Mind if I ask, but are you aware of what happened last night? Nazca Whitehall appears injured, and a building was also tentatively destroyed. I’m kinda tempted to investigate the matter myself, since everything that happened these last couple of days happened while I was asleep.”[/color] The woman tapped her chin while she imagined the events of last night, fantasizing about potentially great duels and fights while she’s out like a light. [color=f7976a]“She was out on her own investigation on behalf of Jeanne’s defense in a few days and she was attacked by…”[/color] Bang glanced down the hallway, wondering who would be able to overhear this. [color=f7976a]“Do you know anything about the fog that appears after curfew?”[/color] [color=a36209]“I’m aware, what about it?”[/color] She responds, leaning on to Bang’s face, her ears perking up. Bang coughed politely and took a step backwards from the proximity. [color=f7976a]“There appears to be some unknown creatures out in the fog. Jeanne was attacked on the first night, and now Nazca was almost cocooned and taken away. For your sake, I’d urge you not to do anything reckless at those hours. Especially not an investigation.”[/color] [color=a36209]“Hmmm.”[/color] Bang’s description certainly piqued the woman’s interest. So Jeanne du Bordeaux, the woman who got caught in the morning for burning the library was attacked by unknown creatures, and now Nazca whitehall was cocooned by some unknown creature as well. A mysterious assailant is afoot in this fair island. Her mind’s thinking up possibilities, but one piece of information from Bang catches Bunga’s attention, and she needs to ask about it. [color=a36209]“Mr Bang, you said that Jeanne was attacked? Jeanne du Bordeaux right? Is her burning of the library an act of… uhh, self defense?”[/color] Her tone was more hushed, she knew the gravity of the information Bang had told her, and she is fully intent on keeping it secret. [color=f7976a]“Indeed.”[/color] He nodded, suddenly recalling something. [color=f7976a]“Actually, you may be able to assist with the matter of tracking down one of the unknown parties. You’re an Egoist who specialises in impermanent animal transformations, correct? Would you know of any Occidental Egoists who are capable of the same? Someone with bat-like wings, stinger tail, head like a two-sided battleaxe.”[/color] The woman’s head tilted, and tilted back again, swinging around like a pendulum. Her eyes closed, and her arms were on her chin. Occidental Egoists? Might as well draw a needle from a haystack, an Occidental Egoist with such a specific characteristic though? Whew. That might be a bridge too far. But now she has a mental image of a bat-like Occidental Egoist, and her curiosity is leaking out of the seams. She’d always wondered what she’d do if she fared in combat, and if blows come to blows, she might try and fight this bat-like being. [color=a36209]“No. But thank you for the information.”[/color] Bunga responded. [color=a36209]“Egoists from the Occident are already an endangered species, but with such specific characteristics. Sorry, but my mind came out blank. If you list someone from Nippon or Zhongguo I might have a bead on the person and telegraph my University back home. But someone from the Occident? Nay, not a chance.”[/color] [color=a36209]“Well, at least it gives me an idea on what to search for. I’m not a big fan of someone attacking students for no reason. Speaking of attack, you also mentioned Nazca being cocooned? So potentially an Egoist with spider-like abilities too?”[/color] [color=f7976a]“It’s a possibility. But from the description given to me, there were several creatures in the fog acting in conjunction.”[/color] He frowned. [color=f7976a]“Wait, what do you mean by ‘search’?”[/color] [color=a36209]“Hmm? OH! Oh that. Hah.”[/color] Bunga laughed a bit. [color=a36209]“Calm down Mr Bang, I’m just going to trawl the document space for all Occidental Egoists, don’t go assuming the worst from me Mr. I’m not a suicidal person y’know?”[/color] She hopes that the feint works, an agent has to be good at misdirection after all. [color=f7976a]“...I see. My apologies.”[/color] He found it difficult to believe her but he had no choice but to take the stranger at face value. [color=f7976a]“Well, do let us know if you find anything. Your efforts would be appreciated, even more so by me if you don’t risk your life in the fog for it.”[/color] She nodded, smiling, partly to be polite and nice, and partly in the prospect of gaining a degree of trust from someone close to Nazca. [color=a36209]“Well. Give my condolences to Nazca. I hope she recovers well, I don’t approve of random Egoists going about and attacking random Polymaths at night. I’ll buy a bouquet of flowers for her tomorrow while I’m at it.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“I’m sure she’d appreciate it,”[/color] he answered reflexively, before remembering who they were talking about. No, that wasn’t correct, was it? [color=f7976a]“Uhh. Perhaps when she’s further into her recovery at least. I don’t think she’d want a stranger in her business so soon after the incident.”[/color] [color=a36209]“Well, you did ask for my help on the matter.”[/color] Bunga retorted. [color=a36209]“Mysterious Egoist aside. I’m more than willing to help, consider me as a… mysterious benefactor to your cause if you will. Now then, I guess you wouldn’t allow me to go back to the room again, yes? Well, tell Nazca my best wishes, and for the moment, I guess I’ll stay right here.”[/color] Bunga said as she sat down on some hospital chair by the wall. [color=a36209]“I need to wait for James to finish up his discussions.”[/color] Bang tiredly wondered if he’d signed up for more he could handle. He debated telling her how strange it was to linger outside the room of a stranger she’d barged in on but quickly decided it wasn’t the trouble. Instead he just bowed his head, offered a simple [color=f7976a]“Thank you for the conversation. Have a lovely rest of your day.”[/color] and headed back into the room. [/hider]