[hr][hr][center][h3][color=d19f6a][b]Ed Penior[/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cfmjDDM.png[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=d19f6a]Location:[/color][/b] Inside Frost International [b][color=d19f6a]Skills: Magic (Tracking)[/color][/b] [hr][/center] Mage knew full well Ed did not need a quiet place. He was doing it to remove himself from the others and keep something secret. He smiled though, and said, "[b][i]I can show you the room.[/i][/b]" He gestured and led the way, not giving Ed a chance to say no. Ed was uncomfortable with the whole Bethany situation, but she had agreed so that was her choice. [color=d19f6a]"Thank you, Klara. I will use it."[/color] He frowned when Mage started to lead the way. He glanced back at Mary. [color=d19f6a]"Yeah, I'll figure out where the others are right now. Hopefully, we are closer to them this time."[/color] He entered Klara's room, followed by Mage. It was an unpleasant feeling being followed by oneself. For now, though he ignored it. He looked around the room taking it in. On the desk was a notebook that caught his eye. He frowned. Pausing to look at it. Ed wasn't the type to do that but what had caught his attention was something he couldn't ignore. His stomach dropped. Drawn into the notebook were the game pieces from Jumanji. He pulled out two vials. One for Runa and one for Annie. He'd look for Runa first he decided, then Annie. He picked the pair of them since they had not really been mentioned and no one knew much about them in the Frost group. It wouldn't be like he was searching for someone confirmed evil here, or dead. A thought crossed his mind and he removed Klara's too, he'd get back to that. At first, the connection didn't happen and his stomach twisted. He tried again. Hoping, that maybe there was just interference or something. He tried again. This time it connected, barely. The pair of them were together and in Hell's Kitchen. Then he cast the tracking spell on Klara's hair. But as he cast it he imagined the one sitting down the hall. The one without their memories. But when the spell connected it linked to Hell's Kitchen too. He didn't know if this was a perfect way to tell. But considering everything he was convinced that the Klara here in the Frost building was in fact their Klara originally. She had been in Jumanji. Sif had been right. Something was wrong. Had they been switched somehow? Or was the Klara they had been traveling with, as he feared Loki in disguise? [color=d19f6a]"That's some good news."[/color] He said smiling at Mage. [color=d19f6a]"Previously they were split it seems the groups have met up."[/color] He had to talk to the others. He had to talk with this Klara.