[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220406/41c00969640e4c419145d2059208198c.png[/img][/center] [center][b][color=00a99d]Mentions:[/color][/b][/center] The moment class let out in 3-A the second headphone that had been hanging out of Kenzan's ear as he sat near the back of the room was put back in it's proper place; drowning out the noise of chairs scraping the floor and other students talking. He stayed seated, not wanting to draw attention to himself by doing so much as moving. It seemed like one other person had somewhat of the same intention until Kenzan realized who it was and rolled his eyes as his regularly eccentric classmate pulled out his phone to do some bit. Once most of the students had trickled out of the room he stood and swung his bag onto his back; leaving the classroom quickly with his eyes cast towards the ground. Even through the music in his ears he could hear the students chattering about the most recent events, namely the death of the Prime Minister. He really couldn't care less about the incident, but everyone else seemed fixated on it for some reason or another. People did crazy shit sometimes and there probably wasn't anything more to it than that. Just the last visual of a man who had lost his mind. The main thing it did was prevent him from staying out as late as he normally would and that meant going home to deal with his mother. That he was not looking forward to. He made it down to his locker and retrieved anything he might need for the various assignments they'd already been given. He looked towards the front doors where he could see the rain still coming down with a vengeance. At least he had an excuse not to go home for a little bit. There were some students heading out, those who had been smart enough to bring an umbrella anyway. It also meant any of the athletic clubs that would normally be meeting today wouldn't, so he didn't have to dodge the questions about why he hadn't agreed to join up. Wasn't it obvious enough that two headphones in meant don't talk to me? Even one, or none in his case usually meant the same. His phone buzzed in his pocket and a scowl marred his usually disinterested expression as he read the text from his mother. [color=00a99d][i]How many times do I have to tell her you have to be twenty to buy alcohol?[/i][/color] He wasn't about to break the law for her to get her fix. He slammed his locker shut and it took a lot to resist the temptation to bang his head against it. He could always go hole up in the library or with luck Kudo's would be open and willing to let him hunker down there as long as he wanted. He at least wanted to wait for the rain to let up a little bit so that he didn't get completely drenched on his way over there. He posted up nearby the front doors so that he could keep an eye out for when the rain lessened, but far enough away that he wouldn't be in anyone's direct line of sight if they were to leave the school. It was just one more year and then he'd be free to strike out on his own, so better to keep his head down and avoid anything that might stop that from happening. Tomi had it lucky, just up and leaving, but unfortunately he didn't have the luxury so he'd power through. At least that was what he told himself as he sat and watched the rain fall; letting the music drown out the sound.