[quote=@ReedeThe23rd] ... An [b]aerospace fighter jockey[/b]? Consider it done.... I'm even on board if you wanna play a [u][i][b]marine/security commander and lead the poor bloody infantry[/b][/i][/u]. Biggest thing for technology is that anything that was available in 3025, and not strictly limited or controlled by one Great House or other faction, is allowed in its standard configuration. If you wanna rip something out to make a more customized mech, there'll need to be some tradeoffs. [/quote] *= Emphasis mine. You just had to go and bloody say those two. Oh dear lord being an infantry commander in a reality of battlemech operators sounds so [b]amazingly desperate and dangerous[/b] that I can't help but have it stuck in my head now. Oh sweet lord the tragedy you have wrought upon my mind.