Vammy was happy to get a little cute noise out of Lazhira, even with that threat of throwing her out of the house that she didn't really expect her to fulfill. After all, she was like a furnace that kept the house warm at night... Even if she tossed and turned in bed the nights where she managed to make herself actually fall asleep. Then, came the hit to the head! A wonderful blow that made her arms go straight to the back of her head to try and dull the pain a bit. "Oooooucccch!" She groaned, looking towards the moth after she recovered. "Damn moth, I'll get your butt for this." Vammy said, though knowing her, one couldn't tell just how literal she was being with that statement. She quickly moved over to where the Mothraki was standing and threw her arms around her shoulders, opened her mouth wide.... And started to lightly nibble on Nylah's ear, as if to show off her "impish attitude". After a few seconds of this, "Yes, yes. Demon this and that. Just call me Vammy. I'm a really nice girl if you get to know me~" She said before lightly nibbling on Nylah's ear again and then releasing her fully. "I won't be joining you though, I have another job to go do. Maybe some other time though, new girl~" That was when Lazhira walked off, saying she had something to go do. "Oi, Lazhira!" Vammy said just as the girl was out of earshot. "Geh, that girl. She always disappears. From right in front of me..." Grumbling about following her fully one of these days, she rubbed her head again, feeling the pain from it a bit still. That was when Atzi showed up behind her, asking if she could run. So of course, Vammy had the perfect answer to that. "Oh... I could probably run, but I'm worried I might fall over because a certain moth smacked me square in the back of the head. I would hope very much that a strong, muscular woman would be able to carry me in her arms as we go~"