[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/MCbu4DX.png[/img] [h3][b][colour=#7C8BD6]Tai[/colour] & [colour=#D6C347]Agumon[/colour][/b][/h3][/centre] [b]Location:[/b] Control Center -> Luncheon Room, Paradox Engine [b]Mentions:[/b] Danny[@Crimson Flame] World[@Mintz] [hr][hr] Agumon’s stomach continued to grumble as he and Tai were approached by the white haired boy that they had previously thought was a Digimon. Apparently he just had superpowers, and he was from a different world. While Tai had been familiar with the concepts of separate worlds, he had just thought that it was Earth and the Digital World. But now it seemed that there was a lot of worlds, with a vast array of peoples. And one of those people was Danny as he introduced himself and said that they should get some food. He also mentioned it probably being better than the food at his school cafeteria. Tai took this to mean that he was also a student like himself, which he should have figured based on his apparent age, even if he wasn’t wearing a uniform like Tai. [colour=#D6C347]“I was also getting lunch before ending up here,”[/colour] replied Agumon, [colour=#D6C347]“So let’s go.”[/colour] Tai then turned to Asta after he made a comment about Agumon talking, saying, [colour=#7C8BD6]“Pretty much all Digimon talk.”[/colour] Tai and Agumon then began heading toward the transport pad. He knew that Ben had programmed it to take them down to the luncheon room, so the boy and his Digimon stepped onto the platform. The platform then began to teleport them, taking the pair down to the cafeteria. But just as Tai began to move he heard both a screech and what sounded like a car engine. The teenager began to wonder just what kind of crazy things were still showing up at the Paradox Engine. Tai and Agumon instantly appeared in the luncheon room, finding that Danny may have been right in comparing it to a school cafeteria. It certainly looked like a generic cafeteria, with the same seating, lights, and tables like Tai’s high school in Odaiba. Agumon immediately ran over to where the food would’ve been served. [colour=#D6C347]“Wait? Where’s the food?”[/colour] asked a confused Agumon. Tai walked up to where Agumon, replying, [colour=#7C8BD6]“I’m not sure. Ben did say that the station had been abandoned for awhile.”[/colour] [colour=#D6C347]“So no food then?”[/colour] sighed Agumon. [colour=#7C8BD6]“I’m afraid not,”[/colour] responded Tai, before noticing a large metal door, [colour=#7C8BD6]“But maybe you are in luck.”[/colour] Tai walked over to the large door, noticing cold emanating from it as he got closer. Agumon dashed right behind him, placing his hands on the door. [colour=#D6C347]“Maybe it’s a fridge, like you have at your house Tai?”[/colour] mused Agumon. Tai just nodded as he tried to open the door, only to find it firmly locked. Once he moved his hands out of the way, Tai saw Agumon try in vain to open it himself. The dinosaur Digimon grunted as the door refused to open. [colour=#D6C347]“We’re so close! I need food,”[/colour] sighed an exasperated Agumon, before getting an idea, [colour=#D6C347]“Wait I know what to do!”[/colour] Agumon then took a few steps back before leaping at the metal door, [colour=#D6C347]“[b]Razor Claws[/b]!”[/colour] The Digimon’s claws shone with energy as he sliced through the metal. After enduring the force of the attack, the metal door collapsed to the ground. A blast of cold air shot out at Tai and Agumon, causing them both to shiver. But Agumon quickly recovered, running into the chilled room. [colour=#7C8BD6]“Well you can’t say that he’s high spirited,”[/colour] chuckled Tai, before turning to Danny, [colour=#7C8BD6]“Well I guess we should see what Agumon found.”[/colour] As Tai walked over to the cold room, he hoped that Agumon hadn’t done too much damage to the Paradox Engine. While they hadn’t chosen to come here, they were technically guests on this space station and should probably leave it how they found it. But then there was no coming between Agumon and a meal.