[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NkV9J4U.png[/img] [h1][color=f7941d]Zenshin Ferros[/color][/h1] [/center] It took a bit of work but thanks to the boys wiry frame, Zenshin was able to maneuver his way through the crowd successfully melding in wit the rest of the candidates center right of the big stage. Still anxious as ever but finding temporary sanctuary with the decline in judgment being placed upon him. He picked at the dirt under his fingernails as he pondered on what to do if he doesn't get picked, surely there was no return back to Valefor after walking out on the family. Perhaps he could beg and plead to be apart of the knights medical unit, his knowledge of herbs weren't particularly after all, or perhaps pick up a job at one of the taverns in town? Soon enough a notable man appeared in front of the podium and beginning his speech, the culling surely following after. Zenshin stood there frozen in place as he faced the stage, it felt as though he had two anchors planting his feet to the ground, he even had to remind himself to breathe a couple of times just through the speech alone. Once the distinctive man who's clothes represented each of the four houses finished the opening speech, the southern house seemed to be the first up to select. The Crimson lions and their commander, Ser Rubeus Valentin. They listed off their selections swiftly, one of them being the boy who had humiliated Zen in his spar. As he walked across the stage Zen felt small scar on his cheek, the memories of the spar along with the emotions he felt still fresh from the battle. He could feel his emotions swelling up, he didn't want his knight journey to end right before they began after taking such a leap of faith. Soon enough the Crimson lions ended their selection with Zenshin not making their ranks, its not like he expected to be picked by the first house surely. Perhaps maybe the second or third house in line to pick would snatch the kid from Valefor up hopefully? Wrong As both the Northern house and Western house selected their candidates, it was a given that he would not be on Manegolds radar to begin with nor Caius wards. This only left one person which would be ser Gilbert Tervellan, a commander whom is also of commoner origin. [color=f7941d][i]Maybe there is hope for me after all? It makes sense after all for Tervellan to pick me up right?[/i][/color] The boy said easing his anxiety a tad bit as he looked at who else was left, the place seemed a bit on the empty side as a handful of 'people' were left over. [color=f7941d][i]Oh Fendel have mercy[/i][/color] There wasn't just ANYONE left over, it was arguably some of the best candidates left over! Certainly leagues above Zenshin in everything and anything. Kai Sauvage and Nathaniel Lowren whom were the two aura users of our generation, the absolute guy whom destroyed their opponent just to name a few! What was Zen supposed to do in front of such greatness. Adding insult to injury this group was going to be headed by Prince Rosseweine Lupus Grayle with Nathaniel and Kai being the second and third seats. [color=f7941d][i]Im pretty sure ther was a tavern at the beginning of town, maybe if I can earn my keep for the night if I leave right now.[/i][/color] The boy thought to himself slowly preparing to turn around. "The remaining members of the squad shall be..." "Signar Wayland" [color=f7941d][i]Good for that guy, would be a shame for somoni of his stature to go to waste [/i][/color] “Zenshin Ferros” [color=f7941d][i]Huh?[/i][/color] Zenshin spun back quickly towards the stage at breakneck speeds after hearing his name called. His emotions welling up as the emotional anchors placed upon his feet were released. A smile formed on his face as his eyes began to water, he had made it into the knights of Grayle. The boy tuned out the rest of the names called as he rubbed the tears way from his eyes, a smile forming on his face. Shocked yet relieved at the same time that he was chosen, nonetheless he was grateful for the opportunity. It seems as though the Eastern house seen the boy as useful in one way or another throughout his time here. Before parting ways, Ser Gilbert Tervellan left the group with some choice words being "What can you do for Grayle?" Surely something that Zen would keep in the back of his mind throughout his time here. He remembered that there was tension going on between Alexandria and Grayle currently, he would surely have to be ready in the near future. The group was also instructed to report to the eastern barracks to meet with the other members, he took a look around and saw whom were left and it was a rather impressive group nonetheless. The guy that had been Nathaniel, some freakishly huge guy, as well as Liese Victoire who was in Zen's opinion the crème of the crop, even the dancer boy had made the cut whom despite what others thought, maneuvered really well in combat. And then there was Zen...definitely the weakest link, even so making the knights was the highlight of his life right now and nothing was going to spoil his mood. As he began to make his way over to the barracks he felt a hand from his shoulder. Zenshin was in disbelief, still in shock from making the cut he had forgot that Prince Rosseweine would be captain of this group of individuals. He was definitely much nicer than the other nobles, finding positivity in the Valefor boys shortcomings, praising him on his courage for not giving up. Surely enough this boosted the boys head to be receiving such words from a person of his status and ancestry. Prince Rosseweine even pointed out whom his foe was from the spar, motivating the boy to sharpen his skills in preparation for the tournament before walking off. [color=f7941d]"T-Thank you your highnesslord-c-captain! I won't let you down!"[/color] he said saluting before following up with a bow. His face flushed red, knowing that he had completely butchered his first impression but he pulled himself up and puffed out his chest as he made his way towards the barracks. Nervous yet also rather eager to speak with his other squadmates. [@ERode]