Fiadh jumped into action, running on all fours, faster that way than running bipedally. She was told to lead the way and lead the way she did, the fastest way. Which went through the occasional tree but all it leaves her with is a little soreness and she is intent on taking the shortest distance possible for that gold star. About a minute and a few uprooted trees and shrubs later, she led James to the north side where the injured man and the very large wolf was. The man seemed to be in a rough shape, but still fine, though the Wolf tried it’s best to be intimidating. It was being very defensive, but why? A wolf that big would have no problem making a meal out of this man, there must be some sort of bond between the two, but she did not give it much further thought. Fiadh waited for her reward patiently, resting her lower body on the ground and propping her upper body with her arms so she is ready to go at a moments notice. James immediately set for the wounded man, but thankfully remembered to peel the shiny thing and stick it to her arm. She…She did not feel the greed go away like it normally does. Inspecting her arm, she realized the problem. The shiny was a worthless shiny, worth not more than a few cents. But on the other hand… sometimes things can have a sentimental value greater than a monetary … She did feel a little better, for doing a good deed and having physical proof of it. She was unsatisfied, but maybe with enough gold stars it will fill the emptiness in her…. Fiadh, failing to find a reason to delay further, set off to attend to the museum thieves. A sort of criminal she especially despises, and if they would steal from a prestigious public building like the museum, then they could steal from her! A reassure hoard is not a hoard if it could be pilfered, and eliminating would-be thieves is one of the ways to ensure its security. And if something valuable happened to be lost in the commotion, why that would be a shame. Fiadh then felt a sensation, a sort of ‘gut instinct’ that gave her pause. Since the costumed individuals split off into separate groups…who is to say that they all are occupied? It is plausible, probable even, that another group managed to sneak away with a crate in a different direction. She could not prove this other than off of assumptions, it could just as easily be that all the thieves are occupied with heroes. But the possibility of another group slinking away undetected is enough of a basis for her paranoia. By utilizing detective skills that she seems to only possess when objects of value are involved, she deduced a probable direction an unknown party could have gone. That was enough to set Fiadh off with a new course, around the many alleyways nearby. Shortly after, a sound alerted Fiadh, a particular one that usually indicates someone forcefully coming in contact with the garbage that line the buildings out of view from the street. Turning the corner, she saw the noise came from some kid impacting some garbage bags, a fall by the looks of it. Fiadh needed to shift her gaze only slightly to find the object of her desire, one of the crates from the museum. Something particularly valuable was inside. Whatever it was, its value dwarfed anything she ever possessed. She. Must. Have. It. But first, she will have to deal with the six people carrying it. [color=blueviolet][i]”Gadaithe!”[/i][/color] Fiadh roared. [color=blueviolet]”Thought you could steal without notice? I’ll give you thieves one chance to drop that crate or there will be consequences. [/color] Fiadh stood to her full height and brandished her claws and teeth, hopefully they will be intimidated and back off saving her the effort. If not, well she does experience pleasure in taking care of thieves. [color=blueviolet]”You, kid! Either lend me a hand or get out of here, I don’t like worrying about someone getting in the way.”[/color] Fiadh said to the kid resting amongst the trash. She did not want someone uninvolved to get hurt, but her greed was blinding her to only focus on the treasure. She won’t be able to guarantee his safety. [@Silver Carrot]