[hider=Cyberpunk Lineage] [b]Name:[/b] Jack Henry Bannon [b]Role:[/b] Dependent on time period. [b]Born:[/b] 1996 [b]Age:[/b] 17 year old Netrunner (in 2013), 24 year old Corpo (in 2020), 49 year old Solo (in 2045), 81 year old Fixer (in 2077) [b]Hometown:[/b] Emporia, Kansas. [b]Familial Relations:[/b] Jeff Raymond Bannon (Father): 1957 - 2016 (58) Trish Bannon (Mother): 1965 - John Raymond Bannon (Grandfather): 1935 - 2014 (78) Shirley Ann Bannon (Grandmother) 1935 - 2011 (75) MR. BUTLR (Artificial Intelligence) 2016 - John Raymond Bannon was born in Newton, Kansas in 1935 to a family of poor Irish immigrant farmers. He would spend his childhood helping maintain the family farm, and though he was a child was profoundly impacted by the destruction of World War 2. His parents spent their meagre life savings to send him to college, and in 1955 he would marry his childhood sweetheart Shirley Ann. Two years later in 1957 at the age off 22 he graduated from college with degrees in both business and finance, and had his own child named Jeff. He would then go on to work at International Electronic Corporation (IEC), which was based out of Berlin, Germany. He would be relocated with the family to France for a brief period and making a small fortune in the process. He would spend the next several decades working for the corporation, helping expand and develop it's manufacturing capabilities. He would eventually return to the United States after his own parents died in a suspicious fire, with the family farm being repossessed by rivaling banking institutions before he had been made aware. John was heartbroken by the loss of his childhood farm, and would go on to create a familial estate in Emporia, Kansas in which he would pour his wealth in the hopes that future generations could prosper there. In the year 1975 Jeff Bannon would turn 18 and join the United States military, receiving a honorable discharge four years later and then using the G.I. bill to go to college. He would go on to graduate in 1985 and marry the following year to a woman named Trish. He would graduate with a degree in psychology instead of business or finance like his father, as would his wife. Returning to the familial estate in Emporia, Kansas that his father founded, his wife and him would both go on to be psychologists, with Jeff serving the military and his wife serving the private sector. Jeff would become jaded and disillusioned by the actions of the federal government as he provided much needed therapy to traumatized soldiers during the First Central American War lasting from 1990 - 1994. This was particularly exacerbated by the DEA creating artificial plagues to be unleashed upon South America in 1991 and 1992 in an effort to win the 'war on drugs'. Jeff would begin hoarding gold and silver in fear of societal collapse, and also begin researching and believing in various conspiracy theories. Particularly he believed that Y2K would herald World War 3, and was absolutely certain that the Soviets would eventually invade the United States to implement communism. Several events that triggered him to transfer near all of his wealth into precious metals was the European Economic Community (EEC) bartering the treaty of 1992 in which the United States began using the eurodollar, as well as the collapse of NATO. It was also in 1992 that Jeff would learn of the rumors and conspiracy theories about the existence of the Gang of Four and their secret war against the EEC. [u][b]The Collapse of '94 - 2004:[/b][/u] [b]1994:[/b] Because of these precautions, the Bannon family survived the Crash of '94 relatively well in comparison to many of their fellow Americans. However, despite their precautions this experience lead to further disillusion Jeff, as well as shattering his father John's perception of the American dream. John loved his work in the corporate world, and had managed to continue working up until the crash. The only reason that the family was able to keep the house from being repossessed by the banks as John's own family farm had been was because of the precious metals that Jeff had hoarded. John was forced into retirement with no pension, and because the First Central American War ended funding for mental health treatment was also cut, leading to Jeff losing his job as well. Jeff's wife, Trish, also lost her job. [b]1995:[/b] Jeff would spend his time honing his military training and preparing the defenses of the family estate to keep out desperate intruders as rates of homelessness continue to rise. While cyberware was becoming increasingly popular, he had seen the first cyberware given to U.S. soldiers during the First Central American War and saw how it psychologically impacted them, and decided that they were more trouble than they were worth. He also worried about a solar flare or EMP which could potentially fry their circuits. [u][b]Birth and Early Childhood:[/b][/u] [b]1996:[/b] In the following year his wife and himself would make the important decision to have a single child to be Jeff's heir as he is to John. This would lead to the birth of our protagonist, Jack Bannon. Shortly after his birth, both the President and Vice President would be assassinated by the Gang of Four. Martial law was soon declared and the first boostergangs began to appear, as well as roving bands of Nomads. The Lawyer Purge took place, in which criminal defense lawyers were hunted down and lynched by angry mobs. It was during this year that things were seemingly at their darkest, but also when Trish Bannon would learn about one Richard Night and his construction of Coronado City in California. This city would provide a potential flicker of hope for its ideals of a family friendly utopia safe from crime. She would inform Jeff of her desire to move there to raise Jack, but Jeff would decline as he would not leave the family estate in Kansas. [b]1997:[/b] Jeff would manage to get work in security for local construction projects to supplement his reliance on the now dwindling precious metals that he had hoarded, as he also now needed to provide for a child. The gang of four would be formally investigated this year, and John, though retired, would begin reaching out to former IEC corporate contacts in attempts to find a way back in for either himself or his son. [b]1998:[/b] Things would continue to devolve as a massive drought in the Midwest destroyed large amounts of crops, including the family farm of Trish Bannon's family. Her family would be force to become Nomads and join the Jodes on their exodus to California. Richard Night was also killed by the mafia during the construction of the city in this year, and it was renamed in his honor. His death would specifically sadden Trish, who had strongly believed in him and his dream. [b]1999:[/b] The following year things finally began to look up, with martial law finally being ended. Trish was specifically excited about the the widow Miriam Night founding Night Corp, founded on similar noble virtues as the city her late husband created. The federal weapons statute is signed into law this year, making The members of Trish's family that had joined the Jodes Nomad's began and salvage work and clearing of rubble in Los Angeles after a 10.5 earthquake decimated the city the year prior. Not all things are looking up though, as millennium cults had begun to ramp up in strength and intensity the last several years but now had reached their zenith. It was during this time that a millennium cult actually successfully kidnapped 3 year old Jack as well as several other babies and infants, to be used in a dark cyberware ritual and potentially recruited and raised into the cult. Jeff, allying with local law enforcement and other enraged parents, participated in an assault on the cult compound. The ensuing firefight lead to the deaths of 7 police officers, 3 militia men, and 17 cult members. This event would lead to a major argument between Jeff and his wife, as her family joining the Jodes and being in California gave her more reason to now want to move to Night City, with the kidnapping of her son from the cult only intensifying her desire. [b]2000 (Y2K):[/b] The year 2000 came without the end of the world coming in its wake, though it felt like it was with the spread of the Wasting Plague throughout both the United States and Europe. 14 million Americans died, and this plague decimated the already impoverished and famished population of Emporia, Kansas. Jeff Bannon would once again lose his job, this time his security job under the federal government being lost due to the abandonment of any and all construction projects in the local area due to the Wasting Plague. [b]2001:[/b] John Bannon finally managed to successfully secure a corporate job for his son after several years of attempting with his former IEC contacts. The job was with the freshly renamed Militech working in a small scale manufacturing and production plant. He happily accepted, as this job allowed him to put food on the table and pay the mortgage on their familial estate home. John Bannon was further informed that the purpose of the facility was to create the prototype Ronin M-20 Assault Rifle to potentially be sold to the U.S. Military at a later date. Meanwhile, the Jodes Nomads had finished their salvaging and clearing of Los Angeles and were preparing to travel back East to their original Midwest homes, having hopefully made enough money to return and restart their lives. This included Trish Bannon's relatives. [b]2002:[/b] The world food crash occurred due to a new virus, but the United States successfully develops a counter agent sparing them much of the famine the rest of the world experiences. President Seward is killed in a riot that conspiracy theorists and rumors believe to be an orchestrated assassination from the Gang of Four. General William Newell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and former Green Beret, becomes the new President. Jack Bannon, now at the age of six years old, begins firearms training with his father in the evenings, and learning arithmetic and literacy skills from his mother. Trish and Jeff have another major argument about her wanting to move to Night City while Jeff wanted to remain in the now nearly desolate and abandoned Emporia, Kansas. [b]2003:[/b] The Second Central American Conflict begins and additional funding is now reallocated to the mental health needs of traumatized soldiers, allowing for Trish Bannon to work for nearly the first time in a decade. The Jodes Nomads meanwhile had mostly returned to their original Midwest homes to attempt to restart their agriculture lifestyles of family farms, including Trish's family. World News Services exposed the NSA for orchestrating the First Central American Conflict. [b]2004:[/b] The First Corporate war erupted, and Militech began ramping up production of its firearms as the U.S. Military officially began adopting it's rifles for use in the Second Central American Conflict. Jeff Bannon (47) would go from a simple laborer to middle management at the facility he worked at as it expanded rapidly during this time due to the success of the Ronin M-20 Assault Rifle. President Newell would strike a deal with the CIA, and using the Army managed to destroy the majority of the deep state in a series of coordinated attacks. Still, an additional four years of covert fighting and martial law would be necessary before they would be completely eradicated. [u][b]End of Collapse The Golden Age: Late Childhood and Early Adolescence[/b][/u] [b]2005:[/b] The Bannon family slowly began to rebuild financially from the poverty they had grown accustomed to during the instability of the collapse. Jeff struggles to prove himself as sufficient middle management material during Militech's rapid expansion. Trish grows equally disillusioned and horrified at the stories of black ops cybergrunts during the Second Central American War. [b]2006:[/b] The family manage to pay off the mortgage incurred on the estate and John Bannon uses the free time of his retirement to teach his grandson Jack (10) in more advanced subjects such as business and finance, as his mother was busy with her reignited career. [b]2007:[/b] The Second Corporate War begins while the Second Central American War still rages on, with Militech sells weapons primarily to Petrochem while it fights SovOil. This causes a further increase in business for both of Jack's parents. This leads him to effectively be raised by his grandparents. He begins to demonstrate a natural talent for entrepreneurship, selling homemade toys to his fellow children. With the excess money the family now possess, Jeff begins replenishing his stock of precious metals in case of another disaster. [b]2008:[/b] Jeff Bannon, having successfully proven himself to his superiors is entrusted with reassignment to managing and working on more advanced heavy weapons systems besides the now popular Ronin M-20 Assault Rifle. This came with a fairly significant pay increase but also a heavier workload. The time spent away from home lead to friction in his marriage, with increasing fights and estrangement happening with Trish. She continued to push for a move to Night City, despite their prosperity returning. [b]2009:[/b] Jack Bannon has little parental supervision and begins to spend more time and show increasing interest in the Net, beginning to learn the basics of cyberspace and taking his first steps towards becoming a netrunner. John Bannon does not understand this new technology and disapproves, believing he should focus solely on his studies. [b]2010:[/b] The end of the Second Corporate War and the Second Central American War lead to drastically reduced sales of Militech weapons, though Trish Bannon continued to be incredibly busy with traumatized veterans of both wars. Their marriage continued to disintegrate. Jeff being needed less at the Militech facility due to the end of the wars allowed him to begin teaching Jack more advanced military tactics and firearm training. [b]2011:[/b] Shirley Ann Bannon (75), wife of John Bannon dies of a heart attack. This mentally destroys John Bannon who had spent virtually his entire life with her. He begins obsessing over attempts to revive her using cutting edge technology he previously had rejected. Trish Bannon files for divorce, and decides to move to Night City alone after a final terrible fight with her husband. The instability at home leads Jack retreating deeper into his netrunning, beginning to test his skills by hacking into Militech databases to obtain valuable information about rivals in the company to help further his fathers career. Jeff Bannon attempts to bury himself in work, and successfully acquires a promotion to oversee his own production facility. [u][b]Familial Collapse: Late Adolescent to Early Adulthood[/b][/u] [b]2012:[/b] Trish Bannon opens her own mental health clinic in Night City in which she finds business with survivors from both sides of the recently ended Mob War. Arasaka begins it's first cyber attacks against the Bannon family in their rivalry with Militech as Jeff has risen high enough to be a target. Jack Bannon, with aid from Militech Cybersecurity, successfully fends these off. John Bannon tries, and fails, to revive Shirley Ann Bannon using experimental black market technology. [b]2013:[/b] The events of Cyberpunk 2013 take place. The establishment of Netwatch makes Jack Bannon (17)'s freelance Netrunning activities more difficult, and increases his reliance on Militeach clearance. It does however diminish the number and intensity of Arasaka attacks. Trish Bannon's clinic grows in size to the point that she must hire employees to help with her expansion. Without her knowing, one of these new employees is a spy for Arasaka. John Bannon tries and fails to revive his wife a second time, then drafts a will leaving all his material possessions to his son, Jeff. Jeff Bannon, meanwhile, begins to crack under the stress of managing his Militech facility and begins to spiral into despair missing his wife. [b]2014:[/b] Trish Bannon's cyberpsychology clinic grows in size to the point that Night Corp decides to buy it outright and make it a subsidiary. This is a dream come true for her. She uses the money to buy a home in beaverille, and invites Jack Bannon to come live with her. John Bannon meanwhile dies in his sleep, leaving considerable wealth behind to Jeff Bannon. Jeff privately visits a physician who informs him that he is dying and has 2 years left to live. Jeff Bannon drafts up a will leaving all of his wealth to Jack Bannon (18), resigns from his corporate job, and begins fulltime training and education of his son. Jack Bannon declines the invitation from his mother and focuses on his training and education. [b]2015:[/b] Trish Bannon, having reached high enough security clearance, begins learning secrets from Night Corp paramilitary commanders who fought in the Mob Wars. Jeff and Jack Bannon continue their training and education together. Jack had become sufficient in the fields of business, finance, psychology, netrunning, small arms handling, small squad tactics and hand-to-hand combat. [b]2016:[/b] Jeff Bannon dies and his wealth and material possessions are transferred to Jack Bannon, including the Bannon estate. Jack Bannon (19) fell into a deep despair at the death of his father, and at the outbreak of the Third Corporate War took part in it as a mercenary for both sides. He made a considerable amount of money from the war, but did so more to test his netrunning skills and to avoid grieving the death of the Bannon family. It was during this time he would truly hone his hacking skills, as well as make contact with several expert netrunners. Trish Bannon worried extensively for her son during this time period, and invited him to Night City constantly. During the Third Corporate War a number of factors lead to Jack getting his own Artificial Intelligence assistant. First, the death of his close relatives and the loneliness of living within his family estate alone weighed heavily upon him. Secondly, they were growing in both affordability and popularity at a tremendous rate ever since first developed by Microtech in 2013. Lastly, he decided he needed someone or something to watch his back while he was fighting in the Third Corporate War in cyberspace. After customizing and reconfiguring a store-bought AI to his needs and desires, it would take on the appearance of an old british butler he called MR. BUTLR. [b]2017:[/b] The winners of the Third Corporate War, Merrill, Asukaga, & Finch discovered Jack's involvement of fighting for both sides and used this as an excuse to send a team of veteran netrunners to fry his brain. Though Jack managed to avoid this with the help of his Nomad Netrunner cousin Treg, they still hacked and seized the entirety of his assets, including the Bannon family estate. Luckily, however, MR. BUTLR managed to hide his existence within a subroutine of Jack's terminal and escape seizure or deletetion. Rather than see the estate seized by a corporation, Jack Bannon razed the building to ash and cinders. A local boostergang moved in to squat in the burned out husk shortly after. Ironically enough, the one asset he still possessed that hadn't been seized by the netrunners was the precious metals of gold and silver his father had replenished after the Collapse and bequeathed to him upon death. Jack Bannon (21) would finally accept his mothers invitation to move in with her in Night City. [u][b]Welcome to Night City Arc[/b][/u] [b]2018 Season 1: Land of Opportunity[/b] [i]Episode 1 January - March:[/i] Trish Bannon begins to use her position in Night Corp to attempt to get her son a job within the corporation, particularly within the cybersecurity sector. She succeeds, but only in having him hired on as one of Night Corp's Operational Security Agents. While being hired at Night Corp he would meet a coworker and local Techie named William 'Wild Bill' Whittle who would assist him in many technical aspects. This would cause Jack to sell the precious metals his father left behind in order to afford a customized StormTech Assault Rifle with Smartlink capabilities. Still not wishing to kill or augment himself, he also opts for cyber goggles which use optic cables to link to the rifle. With Wild Bill's help, he then sets the Smartlink to only fire in non-lethal locations on targets. Lastly he would ask Wild Bill to upgrade his AI's hardware, resulting in Mr. BUTLR 2.0 He is sent out on his first of many assignments, to assist NCPD in combating various boostergangs which plague the city. This first assignment nearly results in his death due to both his moral rule against killing and his inexperience when he is saved by the smalltime solo Ryan 'Gorillafist' Gasner and the smalltime Fixer Danny 'D' Daugherty. Gorillafist advises he give up on his rule of not killing or end up dead himself. D would invite Jack to a punk rock concert happening at a local club named The Palace, to which Jack would accept. During the concert at the Palace that night, Gorillafist and D would introduce him to their close friend Jacon 'Yakamashi' Hartley, a mediaman with a grudge against Arasaka. They would explain that the Palace is owned by a Fixer who D works for named the Duke. Upon asking who is playing, he discovers a local Rockerboy named Connor 'Krusty' Briggs and his band Arsonists Anonymous are performing their first ever gig. During the performance, Jack is unwittingly used as a fake Output by a beautiful Joytoy named Wytnyr 'Alyce' Ross to make jealous her actual ex-output Solo Richard 'Brutus' Budaerus, causing a rivalry. Alyce would go on to develop feelings for Jack, and begin dating him seriously. Jack, D, Gorrilafist, Yakamashi and Alyce would attend the Arsonists Anonymous afterparty where they would meet and befriend the band, specifically frontman rockerboy Krusty. [i]Episode 2 April - June:[/i] Arsonists Anonymous would make the Palace their home venue and begin playing shows their regularly, developing a loyal fanbase. This would incite jealousy in a rival rockerboy to Krusty and his AA who was named Brick 'Half pint' Mitchell and his band the Daytime Drunks. Half pint would make his own home venue a competing club to the Palace known as the Crypt, ran by a mysterious owned only as the Caretaker. Jack would meanwhile come into direct combat with the ex-output of Alyce, Brutus, when he is hired by a local boostergang known as the Legion to flatline him. Jack would win relatively easily and true to his word would spare Brutus life. Having proven his worth sufficiently cleaning up the streets, Night Corp would promote him to more sensitive assignments such as espionage against other megacorporations such as Arasaka. In his spare time he goes on romantic dates with the Joytoy Alyce, as well as visiting her workplace, a brothel named Decadence. It is at this brothel Jack would meet several of her fellow Joytoy coworkers, such as Megan 'Jonesy' McCart, Gemini 'Aiden' Love, and Elizabeth 'Waifu' Baker. Alyce meanwhile would begin a side project also working as a maid in corporate beaverville homes to later be more effective at robbing them. D would continue working as a sub Fixer for the Duke, but would begin secretly compiling lists of information and connections based on the Duke's resources. Gorillafist is primarily used as a bouncer for the Palace and a enforcer for the Duke during this time. A new Rockerboy and member of the D.J.'s gang named DJ Chromeo would being playing music at the Palace, offering to warm up crowds for the more established Arsonists. His music would focus on a more hopeful, loving, and unifying message than the angry and anti-corpo message of Krusty and AA. Yakamashi would hear rumor of a sinister Arasaka plot in the area from local homeless, and spends his time following up on relevant leads. [i]Episode 3 July - September:[/i] Jack would gain great success at work after a particularly tense hostage situation involving a Militech Executive he managed to resolve with no one dying. Despite this he would begin to grow increasingly uncomfortable by the tasks assigned to him such as propaganda or assassination missions. D would begin making moves for a coup against the Duke in an attempt to take over the Palace, convincing Gorillafist to join him. The Duke, meanwhile, would know of this treachery and begin making his own preparations including contacting a local boostergang and its leader for support. This boostergang, indebted to the Duke, was known as The Legion. After Brutus defeat at the hands of Jack, he was found and repaired by the Legion with the price of becoming a heavily modified borg with little to no empathy or humanity left to him as well as being placed under their control. The leader of this boostergang, named Caesar, intended for Brutus to be his ultimate weapon. Unfortunately Brutus resisted his obedience protocols and killed Caesar, becoming the new leader of the Legion. When the Duke contacted the Legion for help, Brutus initially refused to do so. It was only when he realized his target would be the D (who was there during Episode 1 when Gorillafist saved Jack) did he decide to accept in the hopes of also fighting Gorillafist too. Yakamashi meanwhile discovers that the Arasaka corporation has secretly bought out one of the local clubs to use as a discreet base of operations for them to potentially expand their power base. He also discovers that they are funneling large amounts of money into something classified only as controlled opposition. This is discovered both on testimony from the homeless and from a mostly corrupted data shard found in the skull of a dead Arasaka agent in the slums. Alyce would begin to grow considerably wealthy from her activities, to which she would pour her money into biosculpting and other cyber enhancements, creating a snowball effect of only further enhancing her beauty and making her more desirable and expensive. This quickly puts her as one of the highest earning JoyToys at Decadence. Jack and his input Alyce would grow close enough that Alyce would move in to Jack's Luxurious Corpo Apartment. Brick Mitchell and the Daytime Drunks and Krusty and the Arsonists Anonymous meanwhile had built up solid fanbases and had begun touring to other venues in the city, occasionally playing in the same place and provoking each other. As their rivalry grew, people would show up just to engage in the tribalism. [i]Episode 4 October - December:[/i] Jack would continue to grow in his career at Night Corp, being placed in charge of his own team of agents and making more eurodollars than he ever had in his life. Unfortunately he was suffering a crisis of conscience as the assignments only got darker. Now his assassinations included the families of powerful rival corporate executives, including children. Though he had managed to succeed in never having killed anyone himself, he couldn't help but ask himself if there was such a big difference in ordering someone else to pull the trigger. D had finally gathered both the fire and manpower needed, as well as the resources and connections. He had managed to either blackmail or pay off many of the Duke's closest allies. He promised Gorillafist a position as number one solo of the Palace under D's management, as well as offering him a position as bodyguard. The only remaining forces the Duke possessed was the now tentative loyalty of the local boostergang The Legion, as well as his mysterious own number one solo who went by the name Sir Death, otherwise known as the Duke's Knight. Tensions between Krusty and Half Pint would reach a boiling point in which the Daytime Drunks would issue a challenge to the Arsonists in the form of a Battle of the Bands to settle their differences once and for all. The Arsonists accepted, with both bands planning on murdering the other after the concert. It was decided DJ Chromeo would act as a mediator and referee as well as warming up the crowd. Both the Duke and D would decide to take advantage of this climactic Battle of the Bands to settle their own personal differences over ownership of the Palace, offering to host the concert there. Brutus and the Legion meanwhile would expand their powerbase, with Brutus meeting his new second-in-command a powerful former solo now named Damocles. He would also meet a trusted advisor to the former leader, Caesar, who was called Cicero. Cicero acted primarily as the boostergangs chief recruitment and intelligence officer. Yakamashi would manage to piece together that the Crypt is the local club Arasaka has secretly purchased, with the mysterious Caretaker working for the megacorp. Though he does not have proof, he begins staking out the club to try and collect it. Alyce would be caught and arrested during one of her many beaverville home robberies after serving as a maid, but due to her radiant beauty thanks to the eddies she had spent biosculpting herself, she managed to be released with only a warning after performing certain services for the corrupt officers. [b]2019 Season 2: Rebirth[/b] [i]Episode 1 January - March:[/i] Both bands would place the battle of the bands at the Palace as the final stop in their tour as they hit as many dingy bars such as Red Dirt as they could, whipping up both new and longtime fans into a frenzy. The merchandise sold during this time period nearly doubled, and clashes between the two bands fans becoming increasingly common outside venues. Both bands blame the other for stealing their audience, or for not having the 'right' attitude for a rockerboy, with the Arsonists taking inspiration from Johnny Silverhand and Samurai while Daytime Drunks rejects Samurai and Silverhand. Yakamashi would manage to gather sufficient evidence to prove that the Caretake and the Crypt are pawns of Arasaka, and would subsequently have Arasaka Agents attempt to assassinate him. Though he would survive, he would be wounded and spend time recuperating at the Palace. Brutus would grow accustomed to his position leading the Legion, and would begin to grow his power base and start pushing against rival boostergangs territories. D would continue to look for advantages over the inevitable clash with the Duke, but the Duke does all he can take to subvert D by giving him impossible assignments to attempt to Fixer. Alyce meanwhile manages to catch the attention of a wealthy rival Arasaka corpo who enjoys having sex with Jack's Input. She begins secretly collecting information about both him and Arasaka to help her Output. Jack meanwhile discovers one of the agents of his own Night Corp Security Team seeks to discredit him for his rule against killing, seeking to take his position as leader of their team. After struggling internally, he contacts D to put a hit out to kill the agent. Gorillafist takes the contract and kills him efficiently. The Caretaker of the Crypt meanwhile would contact Cicero of the Legion and propose an alliance, with Arasaka hoping to use the boostergang to their own advantage. [i]Episode 2 April - June:[/i] The Battle of the Bands takes place at the Palace. The event is a spectacle of blood and rock as both Rockerboys play their hearts out. Despite their efforts, both bands are too evenly matched for a winner to be clear. During the concert, an additional team of Arasaka Agents are dispatched to terminate Yakamashi before he recovers from his wounds and spreads his evidence of their involvement at the Crypt. Brutus also unleashed the hordes from the Legion to kidnap his ex-output Alyce. The Duke asks Jack to help Gorillafist and Sir Death defend the Palace during the concert, to which he accepts. D meanwhile finishes accquiring the access codes to the Palace's panic room to lure Sir Death into after the concert for Gorillafist to kill him. As the trio is fighting off the Arasaka Agents sent to kill Yakamashi, the concert reaches a fever pitch. Half Pint lyrics focus on how Krusty must choose between his Anti-Corpo message and idolizing of Johnny Silverhand and his friendship to a Night Corp employee, Jack. In order to secure his victory over Half Pint and the Daytime Drunks, Krusty performs an extreme act in that he calls Jack's Input onto his stage, to which she eagerly agrees swept up in the heat of the moment. He proceeds to fuck her on stage in front of the entire audience, them both climaxing at the end of their song 'Up In Flames'. Krusty and the Arsonists Anonymous decisively win the concert, sending Half Pint and the Daytime Drunks into a rage. A shootout breaks out in the Palace between both the two bands and their fans, with DJ Chromeo fighting on the side of the Arsonists. During the chaos following the Arsonists victory, Legion boostergangers lead by Damocles manage to break into the Palace and successfully kidnap Alyce. Jack enters the Palace unknowing of what she has just done, and grieves her kidnapping. Yakamashi had managed to record the entire event and guilt trips Krusty into abandoning his fellow Arsonists during the shootout with the Daytime Drunks and helping Jack get his input back from the Legion. Gorillafist would attempt to go with them, to which D would remind him he must spring the trap and kill Sir Death instead. D having gained the access codes to the Dukes panic room, enters and holds a gun to his boss, the Duke would activate an emergency signal alerting Sir Death to come to his rescue. As Sir Death arrived at the panic room to save the Duke, Gorillafist attacked him. While D held a gun to the Duke, he would use the access codes to close the door and ensure they aren't interrupted while the two Solo's battled it out in the panic room. Jack, Krusty, and Yakamashi would follow the Legion to the Crypt. It would be here that Yakamashi revealed his gathered evidence of the establishment being under Arasaka control to his two companions in the hopes that someone could reveal the truth if he died in the following firefight. Krusty admits to Jack what he did on stage with his input. Meanwhile, Damocles delivers Alyce to Brutus, who tells her she will watch her flatline her Output as Jack should have done to him. Yakamashi performs a distraction which preoccupies the majority of the boostergangers while Krusty fights Damocles. Jack makes his way to the heart of the Crypt and finds Brutus and Alyce waiting for him. The two fight but Jack but discovers that with the cyber enhancements that Brutus had received since their last encounter he is much stronger. Brutus destroys Jack's goggles with the optic cables which allowed for smartlink integration of his rifle. The shards from the goggles maims one of Jack's eyes, blinding it. Gorillafist kills Sir Death, thanking the Solo for having taught him everything he knows. D shoots and kills the Duke, claiming the Palace as his own. Half Pint realizes that his rival of Krusty is gone, and tells the Daytime Drunks to flee as the NCPD begin to arrive on scene. D attempts to regain a semblance of order and talks to the police. Gorillafist rushes to the Crypt to assist there. Krusty and Damocles manage to wound each other, before both decide to flee rather than die for a cause they don't truly care about. Krusty returns to the Palace to find several of his fellow Arsonists band mates died in the fighting while he was gone, causing him to blame himself for not being here for them and grieve deeply. Damocles meanwhile rallies the Legion boostergangers who were scattered thanks to Yakamashi's distraction. Brutus savors killing Jack, ripping his left hand off while monologuing. Little does Brutus know that Jack had quickhack uploaded a demon into Brutus borg mainframe that he had developed at the age of 17 during the Third Corporate War. The purpose of the Demon is simple and efficient, the complete paralysis of all enemy systems. As Brutus slowly loses the ability to move his body he rages internally. Gorillafist arrives and kills Brutus to Jack's dismay. Damocles, seeing Gorillafist has arrived and Brutus died, orders the Legion to retreat from the Crypt back to their own territory, swearing vengeance on Jack and Gorillafist. Trauma Team takes Jack away to recieve medical attention, with his mother Trish meeting him at the hospital and throwing money at the doctors to save him. [i]Episode 3 July - September:[/i] D runs the Palace efficiently and is true to his word of making Gorillafist his top solo. Yakamashi manages to report on his evidence of the Crypt being owned and operated by Arasaka, but not before Arasaka destroys the club in an 'accidental' gas explosion and successfully covers up Yakamashi's story. Krusty and the Arsonists Anonymous have reached untold heights of stardom and are well known all throughout Night City, though Krusty grieves the arsonists who died during the battle of the bands. Half Pint and the surviving Daytime Drunks fade into obscurity after the battle, though their grudge still burns brightly. Jack would awake in hospital to Alyce visiting him. He would confront Alyce on her having sex on stage with Krusty, resulting in him breaking up with her and kicking her out of his Corpo Apartment. She shares with him the information she had gathered about Arasaka Executives by servicing them, to which he cares little in his heartbroken state. Alyce quits her job at Degeneracy and joins the Piranha's party gang, caring only for hedonism and pleasure. [i]Episode 4 October - December:[/i] Jack would use the data shard Alyce gave him to secure for himself a promotion within Night Corp. Now he no longer serves on Security Teams but instead manages and dispatches them when boostergang activity is detected or if rival megacorporations need knocked down a peg. With his eye and hand destroyed during the fight with Brutus, he is forced to adopt the cybernetics his father despised. A silver lining to this being he no longer needed optic cables attached from his goggles to his rifle nor the goggles themselves. Heartbroken by the loss of his input, he would go to Degeneracy to find out she had quit. Sating his heartbreak he uses the services of the Joy Toys Aiden and Jonesy. Various boostergangs attempt to collect 'protection' money from the Palace, and D has Gorillafist kill the representatives of several gangs. Yakamashi is promoted for his role in reporting both on the Battle of the Bands and the Crypt club being a front for Arasaka. He is given higher levels of media access, allowing him more resources and connections. Krusty and the Arsonists hold audition for new band mates before beginning to play at the Palace again. ----------------- [b]2020:[/b] The events of Cyberpunk 2020 take place. Ryan 'Gorrilafist' Gasner (Solo) Jacon 'Yakamashi' Hartley (Media) Jacob ' DJ Chromeo' Hastings (Rockerboy) Danny 'D' Daugherty (Fixer) Connor 'Krusty' Briggs and his bandmates (Rockerboy, lead man of Arsonists Anonymous) Treg Arganbright (Netrunner, Nomad.) Wyntyr Ross (Joy Toy) The Piranhae's gang?? The Legion The Duke Sir Death Richard 'Brutus' Budaerus (Solo, leader of the Legion) Damocles (Solo, Monster of the Legion) Cicero (rockerboy, cult leader, recruiter for the Legion) Brick Mitchell (Rockerboy, lead man of the Daytime Drunks) Crooked Cop?? McManus? Bozo clown gang and Julliard [/hider]