Ferrin easily moved the carpet and furniture out of the way to reveal a hatch door underneath. It opens up to give a much better look of the room. The floor seems impossibly thin, despite having no foundation, there is no creaking or bending of the floorboards. The room below had a cement floor. As the group contemplated over who might enter first, Arma began to creep towards the hole in the floorboards, ready to sneak his way in. As he neared the hole, however, an unrooted floorboard caught his clawed foot, and sent Arma falling head first into the area below. [b][i]Crash![/i][/b] [b]Arma takes 3 bludgeoning damage![/b] As Arma entered the room, the sight around him went from strange to uncanny. Inside the vials and glasses on the shelves where various potions, some shaped like Lennys or Bori. More disturbingly where some of the jars filled with a viscous liquid. Organs, eyes, and whole petpetpet's where preserved within. Others had strange labels such as 'Tuskaninny bones' and 'ectoplasm'. Not visible from above was a small alcove where an alchemy set sat. One it, along with a few books and a bubbling potion, was a key.