Allister looked worried at Eliezer but knew it was for the best for the three of them to flee so they would not be found out by dainia guards. “Your highness let us make haste we can not risk Raven’s true identity from being revealed it will only it her in grave danger.” Allister said as Roberto watched the prince and his knight leave after being told to leave without being seen. “Yes you are right especially since Raven is in a vulnerable state.” Roberto said as he snapped his fingers while the two servants that he had brought with had suddenly appeared kneeling on the ground bowing before the king. “Yes your Majesty?” They both said as Allister picked up Raven bridal style and held her close but noted the white streak set of hair going down the left side of her face. [i]”What how did that happen? And why did that happen for Aster never had a anything like that or any other royals that I have seen the royal protraits of?”[/i] Allister thought as he held on tight to Raven. “quickly get us out of here before the royal guards finds us.” Roberto order them and they both nodded before standing to their feet and the female casted a spell and had them all transported back to the in that Roberto was residing in and placed a barrier up to keep them all safe from harm or prying ears. “It is done your Majesty.” The female servant said while Allister placed Raven back on the bed and lobed the white streaks of hair from her face before looking at her hand with the mark of the moon and noticed some of the writing had faded but the symbol showed no signs of fading. [i]”I wonder what this weird writing is for and why its fading?[/i] Allister thought and Roberto walked over. “The writing is fading for the soulmate mark is becoming complete.” Roberto said to Alister as he petted his granddaughters head for the first time in her entire life. “The soulmate mark completing?” Allister asked confused. “Yes you see the mark first appears with a very strange that only the Lunar royal family heir can read it the start of the bond between the two when it first appears it tells the heir that they found the one they are suppose to be with for not all soulmates start off lovey dovey so the mark will not appear at first until the time is right then once the bond between the two start to deepen the writing fades but the symbol will remain good thing Eliezer wears gloves but hopefully he has his mark covered at this moment it can cause him some trouble is his father sees it.” Roberto explained to Allister and thought it was all strange but fascinating at the same time for the Royal hears of Lunar and their abilities they have. “Now we just wait for her to wake up which will take some time due to her magic awakening later then it should have for her body is adjusting and resting from the awakening” Roberto explained as he sat down. Allister nodded at the king and sat next to his niece as she slept peacefully. [hr] Back at the palace Shadow was watching over the Nemesis family from the shadows making sure the red robin would not do something stupid and try to harm Adelina or her family for the poor girl had been through enough already while the other assassins went into hiding for the time being waiting for signs of Raven coming back. Once they see her get a signal from her they will come around and regroup to see what steps they need to take next in this crazy path they all decided to walk down with Raven as in their way to repay all the kindness and bravery she did for them to help get them out of the slums of lives to a life where they can survive but more importantly gave them all the will to keep on living. [hr] The ball of light would active once Eliezer is with Adelina and surround her and her family in the light so no matter what happens they could not be harmed in any way shape or form. It was the entities promise to Eliezer to keep his comrades safe when Adelina got accidentally involved in all this craziness.