[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][center][color=f7941d][b]Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 10:50 AM [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=935DB8]Veil[/color] & [color=DBA1DE]Casper[/color] & [color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color][/b][/h3][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Various [b]Skills:[/b] [color=DBA1DE]Mediumship[/color][/center][hr][b]The Green Lagoon...[/b] [color=#DAF7A6]"Oh,"[/color] Sunshine said, when Echo explained the reasons for liking Harry better. [color=#DAF7A6]"Well, flatscan names are still dumb... I guess yours is fine or whatever,"[/color] she said with a shrug. It was pretty much the closest she would get to walking back what she had said. She didn't usually express positive feelings or emotions in words, but she did care about Echo - at least as much as she had cared about Fred the Rat, her long lost best friend. "Yeah, imagine naming your kid [i]Electra[/i]," Marrow teased. [color=#DAF7A6]"Hey!"[/color] Sunshine protested. [color=#DAF7A6]"As flatscan names go, it's not as bad as, like, Bob or whatever... Or [i]Sarah[/i]."[/color] she giggled. Marrow rolled her eyes at her wife, before kissing Sunshine on the forehead and downing her own drink, while Sunshine began to sip hers. "I do? Oh! I do," Legion said with a laugh, looking at his clothes. "Is it concerning if I admit I have no idea how I ended up like this?" Legion then asked. "Did I look like this last time you saw me? The last thing I remember was.... what's today? It was a Tuesday last I remember." [b]Hellfire Manor...[/b] "Well, [i]duh[/i]," Mongoose told Moneta, giggling. "I'm the scariest sea witch alive! I have to be impressive or people won't love me." She then broke out into a huge grin, revealing some gaps in her teeth from where baby teeth had fallen out and new ones hadn't quite come in properly yet. [color=DBA1DE]"Do you know how to handle a baby? Like... how do we feed it? We don't have boobs. Do we just... borrow milk from someone? Oh, duh, there has to be milk at the.... store? Wait, we don't have stores here really. Is there a baby milk line somewhere on the island?"[/color] Casper inquired. Food tended to be served at the Lagoon and then in other random locations on the island. James, as he was the type to pay attention to things when Casper didn't, would know that the hospital distributed formula and whatnot to parents who needed it for their babies for whatever reason. Casper had wandered over with James to the cribs, and he peered down into them. There was a decent selection/assortment/whatever of babies there to choose from - a fact that made him actually tear up slightly. All of the trauma from the attack had been a lot on the island, but seeing these little babies, all alone because of it... It really struck him in a moment when he hadn't been expecting it. [color=DBA1DE]"Can we adopt all of them?"[/color] Casper asked James, sniffling a bit.[color=DBA1DE]"It's so sad..."[/color] [b]Outside the Green Lagoon...[/b] Internally, Magneto was a bit relieved when Andy came over and said Valkyrie would be joining them - he held nothing against Stretch, but Stretch wasn't saying anything particularly engaging. Magneto had expected more from him - after all, he was Renegade's son. And Renegade was anything but lukewarm when it came to an interaction. [color=FF5733]"Ah good. I'm glad you'll be coming with us, Valkyrie. Stretch, I am afraid we must be off - we have important business to attend to,"[/color] Magneto said, before offering a hand to each Valkyrie and Andy if they wished to hold his hand, before sweeping out of the Green Lagoon and heading in the direction of the rebuilt House of M. The House of M didn't have any non-metallic furniture in it at the moment, but it was at least functional. [color=8E6BB3][i]"I need a favor of you, my boy,"[/i][/color] a voice then whispered into Jack's head. [b]Max's Room...[/b] Veil winced slightly as Max turned on the spirit box - it was essentially screeching what sounded like random static at them and she covered her ears. [color=935DB8]"I can see why Casper's mutant name is after this thing,"[/color] Veil quipped. It reminded her of really bad, screech-y techno music. She couldn't help but wonder if it hurt the spirit's ears just as much as it hurt hers - or was it somehow softened in the afterlife? Was there some sort of audial distortion? The pitch of the box changed for a brief moment, becoming a lower sound, before going back to its normal horrible screeches. [color=935DB8]"... Was that you, Ben?"[/color] Veil asked, uncovering her ears ever so slightly, before covering them up again. This thing was really getting on her nerves, but it sounded like something had tried to come through for a brief moment there - or maybe it had been her imagination entirely. It was too bad Casper wasn't there to communicate with Ben, but at the same time, Veil did wonder if Casper was always a reliable translator. [b]"I'm here,"[/b] the spirit box said. It was hard to say if the voice sounded like Ben's or not. The screeching static then resumed, before the tail end of a sentence came through, [b]"Sinister."[/b] [color=935DB8]"...Is there any way you can make this easier on him? Clearer, maybe?"[/color] Veil asked Max.