[center][h3][b][i]Saoirse[/i][/b][/h3][/center] [center][i]Princess of Seanate[/i][/center] [hr] [b]"Father!"[/b] The princess cried out as she approached the gilded throne, towards the king still seated. She came closer with a brisk stride accompanied by the rustling of silk from her gown torn, waiting to be mended, and she saw how the burden of his responsibility weighed so heavily upon his shoulders, yet it seemed there was too little she could do to truly alleviate him of this dreadful pressure. She fell to her knees beside him, holding his hands in hers, and she spoke softly to him. [b]"Please, you mustn't do surrender yourself to that fiend."[/b] Saoirse was soaked and battered from the merciless rain and wilds winds which came and clamored and thrashed ceaselessly the kingdom of Seanate - ever a promise of further retribution from the demonic invader, should the people of this land resist his malice. With tired limbs and fierce eyes on the verge of tears, Saoirse held onto her father and pleaded. [b]"Salvation will come... Have faith in the people, have faith in the Divine... and have faith in yourself... We will find a way!"[/b]