Giri takes the rum bottle and pours out two more shots, one for Three Gleaming Petals, and one for herself, which she sips lightly rather than down all at once. "I'll happily tell you that I'm serving a punishment for harming one of the dragonblooded against her will to get a group of us out of hell. I think it's fair all things considered. I'll tell you that any rules of such a punishment by their very nature must take a secondary role to the rules of my calling and the oaths of friendship I have made in the past. I obey the Red Wolf only insofar as she pushes me to betray those I cannot betray and if she's not a fool she'll never use me past that line." She offers the glass invitingly to Three Gleaming Petals. "But that's the driest way for us to converse and you look like you've had an even longer day than I did. Come, sit, drink. Lean on me and pass the night. I have no need of this bottle of rum come morning, and the Dominion hardly seems to have a shortage." She grins then because, well, isn't this a time to grin? To share some pleasure? There's something special about a spirit like Three Gleaming Petals, and something special about a witch like Giriel Bruinstead and they both know it. They've both been around the block, and they both know the limits of a relationship like this. So Giri's offer, it's not just pleasure, it's relaxing. The kind of relaxing that comes with two people who've both traveled, who've both seen things, done things, even shared a bed before. It's knowing that this is a chance to unwind for both of them. No expectations of passionate romance, of strings attached or long-lasting obligations to carry around as yet another burden. No expectations even of what has to happen. Just a chance for two ladies who know each other to sit and chat, to drink and feel the fiery warmth of the alcohol swell up inside them, and to share that warmth in each others arms. That's a nice offer, and to Giri's credit, more seductive by far than trickery and false flattery. It's sincere seduction, the kind that gets everybody a little bit of what they want, eyes wide open about what they're doing. Well, wide open until they sink into someone else's soft chest and strong arms of course.