The door to the bathroom was opening even before Kimmie considered a response to Roger's request to enter. She was already in the antique, clawfoot bathtub, laying back immersed deep enough to hide her bosom. She could remember long, luxurious baths pre-Blackout, the water infused with soothing oils, bubbles floating on the surface, soft music in the background, and candles surrounding her in an otherwise unlit room. [i]This[/i] was not [i]that[/i], though, with the one exception that [i]this[/i] bathroom [i]also[/i] lacked electric lights, replaced by a pair of scented candles lit by Roger's housekeeper as she prepared the room per his sudden orders earlier while Kimmie was at the Clinic. [color=red]"I see you've upgraded,"[/color] she said, nodding her head toward the source of the hot water in which she now laid, a wood stove and hot water tank paired together via steel piping. Neither of the units were here the last time Kimmie had been. [color=red]"Efficient."[/color] Kimmie looked to the platter of food and drink Roger carried. Her stomach turned over at the recollection that she hadn't eaten since about midday the day before. Knowing he was doing this for her, Kimmie said softly, [color=red]"Thank you."[/color] She knew what he wanted to see and, wanting to get this over and done with as soon as possible gave it to him. Kimmie rose higher in the tub until her firm, B-cup breasts rose into view. She gave Roger a moment to appreciate the view, then asked, [color=red]"Would you like to join me ... or ... should I finish up so that we can go to your bed?"[/color]