[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/z1BI9da9Vcj4stEUvq9llwWZVzpz_CzzA7KIVmcTp2E/https/i.imgur.com/CVO0GIm.png[/img] Level 1: 2/10 Location: Limsa Lominscuttle- Kanzuki Beach Word Count: 501 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 3/10 [/center] Karin watched proudly as her guests enjoyed themselves. Or rather, each other’s company. After all, Karin wasn’t here to be the center of attention! She was only here to facilitate the enjoyment of the Seekers company. (And, of course, to find out more about who they were and what their goals were.) Karin knew hero types. After all, she was one of them herself. Not long ago she had participated in destroying M. Bison’s Shadaloo base, delivering the final blow herself with her personal orbital satellite cannon. But M. Bison was a threat to the entire world. If left unattended, his pestilence would spread across the globe like a plague and devour everything. As terribly cruel as the war with the Abyssals was, ultimately, it was a local problem. What could have possessed this eclectic and miscellaneous band of do-gooders to travel from afar and interfere so drastically? With no obvious external reward and with great mortal peril. Altruism only went so far as a reasonable explanation. It would hardly be reasonable to expect local heroes to travel to the other side of the world to deal with their issues. Karin herself has been an arbiter of justice and a keeper of the peace while staying at Limsa. Therefore, one must conclude that the Seekers had an ulterior motive. It was right there in their name: Seekers. What were they after? Link, a dashing young man, approached her and thanked her for the service. “Oho, of course. It was no problem at all! I assure you, even someone of ravenous appetite cannot deplete the Kanzuki clan of our resources. I have plenty of practice with that kind of thing.” She cast a glance over at Birdie, who was lounging in the ocean in some kind of floatable. “By all means, help yourself to as much food as you’d like. Just don’t get sick.” Karin watched the volleyball game, keeping her criticism to herself for once. After all, she had set up the net for them to play. “Well, Ishizaki-san. I do believe this to be a success thus far.” She said as he showed up with a silver tray of brightly colored drinks with various exotic fruits sliced up and cut into the edges. “Ee-yup!” “‘Ee-yup’?” Karin looks at him down her sunglasses. “Ee-yup!” He repeats with a wink. Karin rolls her eyes and smirks. Of all her staff, only Mister Ishikazi could get away with such impertinence. He had special privileges, since he had been a part of her life as long as she had been alive. More Seekers arrived, being Geralt and Yennifer, though Karin didn’t know their names. She overheard one of them asking about her, and Karin moved effortlessly from one conversation to the next, to make herself known to new party guests. “That would be me. I am Karin Kanzuki, Mistress of this summer estate. You two are quite the-” She glances over at Geralt, and then Yennifer. “-handsome couple, if I am reading the proverbial room correctly.”