Roger had already seen Kimmie in his bathtub on half a dozen occasions, and yet each time he laid eyes upon her like this, it made his heart skip a beat and his cock head instantly toward full excitement status. Stepping farther into the bathroom only provided him an increasingly better view of her delicious body only partially obscured by the gently rippling surface water. [color=red]"I see you've upgraded,"[/color] she said, indicating Roger's water heating system. [color=red]"Efficient."[/color] [color=yellow]"Thank you,"[/color] he said before wondering whether Kimmie was giving him a sincere assessment of the new utilities or simply filling the silence with words. [color=yellow]"Gloria was getting tired of hauling buckets of water from the kitchen, so..."[/color] The water heating apparatus Roger had had installed here just a couple of weeks ago was essentially the same as the one in the kitchen: a cast iron, 1990s-era wood stove that featured a water heating coil that circulated water between it and an 80-gallon metal tank that sat between it and the bathtub. A pair of elevated 50-gallon rain barrels just outside the bathroom's exterior wall fed the stove, and in turn the tank fed the tub and nearby sink when needed by its user -- or [i]users[/i], Roger hoped. Looking to the food he'd brought with him, Kimmie told Roger softly, [color=red]"Thank you."[/color] [color=yellow]"Of course, I thought you might be hungry,"[/color] he responded with a smile. As soon as he'd said it, Roger wished he hadn't; more than just implying that it had been a while since breakfast, his words could have been seen as implying that Kimmie couldn't keep herself -- and possibly her family -- properly fed. He quickly pointed out some of the offered items, somewhat of a [i]boast[/i] of what Bentonville -- [i]and Roger[/i] -- had to offer to those who lived here, which [i]unfortunately[/i] in Roger's opinion didn't include Kimmie. He finished with, [color=yellow]"Can I make you a [i]cracker stack[/i]?"[/color] He smiled again and chuckled. [color=yellow]"That's what my grandmother called'em, [i]cracker stacks[/i], you know, crackers with cheese and meat and..."[/color] He was about to end his description, realizing how silly it was beginning to sound, but it was the sight of Kimmie scooting up the sloped back of the tub and exposing the beautiful, perfect womanly curves of her bosom that really silenced him. Roger ogled his lover's breasts for a long moment, admiring how the water droplets either streamed down her flesh or clung to her darker [i]nubs.[/i] [color=red]"Would you like to join me ... or ... should I finish up so that we can go to your bed?"[/color] Roger didn't immediately answer; he was stunned by the perfection before him, despite having had this very view so often before. When he finally did speak, he couldn't believe what he was saying: [color=yellow]"No, um ... no hurry. You enjoy your bath. I'll just ... sit and watch ... [i]if[/i] you don't mind."[/color] He knew what her answer would be, of course, which left Roger without fear of being sent away. He set the platter atop the closed lid of the toilet, which like the rest of the bathroom was spotlessly sanitary due to the professionalism of Roger's maid. He made a [i]cracker stack[/i] and handed it out toward Kimmie, saying about the dried fruit bits he'd added, [color=yellow]"Gloria cut these up 'specially for you, Miss Wright. She seemed to recall that you liked these."[/color]