[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/t90Oxqx.png[/img][/center] [center][@Dezuel][@Lewascan2][/center] [hr] Dr. Nightman's lips twitched as Reverio closed his eyes. Ah, there it was. He waited quietly, patiently, as the boy reminisced silently for a moment. He then tried to leave. "Ah, no rush, child. Your appointment has barely begun, not that I'd keep you longer than you desired to stay. It's quite normal for people to hit a point where they need to walk away for a bit. However, if you could indulge me just a moment longer, there's something I'd like to try. It may even help you a bit before you go. You see, one of my best tools is a form of guided meditation. I like to gauge my patients' receptiveness to the technique during the first visit, so I may better plan how to proceed, and you [i]did[/i] just suggest you might wish to come back. Humor me for a moment and in return I'll brush up on my chess skills." He smiled and urged the boy to sit back down. His professional skill seemed to become apparent quickly. Reverio would feel himself sinking away from the world. It wasn't entirely unpleasant [i]at first[/i], but shortly after he would have struggled to call it helpful. The uncomfortable feelings from his memories, the feelings that had perhaps driven him to try and leave the room, surged back and wrapped around him, dragging him under faster than before. It was like being sucked into a suffocating void... but once there those feelings began to lessen. It became more comfortable, and perhaps then the benefit of the meditation would begin to become apparent. He had simply needed to push through it. A feeling of warm contentment settled over him, like a heavy blanket. [i]Something in him resisted.[/i] It was peaceful. [i]Still it resisted.[/i] Serene. [i]It fought back all the same.[/i] But it was meditation. What could there be to fight against? [b]. . .[/b] Nightman stepped out of the room, leaving Reverio peacefully asleep in his chair. "Any sign of her?" he asked, seeing the man in the suit waiting. "No. Wherever she went off to when she vanished, it wasn't in the building." The man shook his head. "I searched everywhere, including the perimeter outside. She wasn't there, so I came back and dealt with the first boy while you were with the other." "I... see. I almost wonder if you shouldn't have done that. The girl is a wild card. More so than I ever anticipated. It took so little to antagonize her. That kind of volatility could be very dangerous. Should you see her again, she is best left to me. I won't have my work here put in jeopardy." "Understood."