[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1g8UN9K.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent] Taking a deep breath, Siris calmed himself as he felt the blood from his two shallow stab wounds slowly trickle down his armor. This wasn’t his first time adventuring into danger but normally he was always abandoned, the most logical solution, but Ashür’s words had made him realize this wasn’t like those times. The young warrior looks around and sees how the rest of the his allies had not only followed him but kept up with him. Focusing his resolve Siris looks Ashür in the eye before speaking. [i][b]Siris:[/b][/i] [i]I apologize Ashür, you’re correct…[/i] Without much else to say given the situation, Siris thinks back to his young days of constant training and decides he would be would still be best suited to watch the front so long as he didn’t stray too far. He speaks to his comrade with a serious tone [i][b]Siris:[/b][/i] [i]I’ll guard the front, even injured I’m more suited for it. As you say we shall advance together.[/i] With his shield up, Siris slowly walks forward while waving his sword, trying to use it to get an idea of his surroundings and to deter and frontal assaults. [/indent][/indent] [center][sub][i]Siris moves 3 tile to 10-19 and attacks in front of him [/i][/sub][/center]