[@vancexentan] [color=00aeef][i]So much for getting our bearings, we're already on the move.[/i][/color], Conner thought to himself, nervously sighing. He knew they were going to be fighting sooner or later, but he honestly thought it would come after they had time to settle and prep themselves. The young man was the youngest and most inexperienced in the team. As he tried to hype himself up, a hand fell on his shoulder. Turning, he saw Fran giving a small reassuring smile. [color=39b54a]"Be....near....by. No....need....for.....wor....ry."[/color], she said with a confident nod. A moment after digesting her words, Conner took a deep breath and gave his own resolved nod. [color=00aeef]"Thanks, Fran."[/color], he replied before following the rest of the team. [color=00aeef]"Let's do this."[/color] [hr] [quote]"Enemies detected. Defend now."[/quote] Upon hearing Archimedes' words, Conner's head became a swivel and the head of Fran's battle mace crackled with green electricity. From their side of the group, Conner would see an incoming gang of undead warriors, armed with various weapons. [quote]"Defend the area!" Leon orders[/quote] [color=00aeef][i]Alright Fran, listen up. With Saber covering the rear, Lancer leading the front and Caster holding our westside, it's mainly Leon's side we have to worry about. If he starts getting overwhelmed, clear out his side. Otherwise, take out any undead that gets near us.[/i][/color] [color=39b54a]"Grrraaaaaaah!"[/color], the Berserker cried out, whether as a battle cry or in confirmation to Conner's mental message, no one was sure. But she did stay near the group as she leaped and crashed into a group of skeletons, trails of electric green coming off her weapon as she destroyed multiple enemies with every swing. Meanwhile, Conner kneeled in the center of their group, his magic circuits coming to life as he laid his palms flat against the ground. Conner kept his eyes darting and his ears open, ready to spring up any defensive walls or lay down any pitfall traps.