At Maemions question, she briefly thought back to when she received the staff from her first mentor, the one who taught her the basics of Conjuration and Destruction back in Wayrest. That felt like ages since she left, and longer still since she received the staff. They were bittersweet memories, at best. While she wanted to leave home and travel, it was still hard to just leave everything like that, without even really knowing where you were going. Even now, she wondered what her father was doing. [b]"Oh, I don't mean to brag but I'm quite skilled in Conjuration and Destruction. I dabble in Illusion as well, but don't expect me to make people invisible anytime soon.[/b] She chuckled as a gust of wind disturbed her cloak causing them to pause for a moment to re-adjust them. [b]"I learned Conjuration and Destruction in Wayrest, my home. I picked up Illusion in Cyrodiil, some years later after I left. I also learned how to handle a sword in Hammerfell, and how to make potions in Black Marsh. Not so skilled with the sword, but I can use it if I need too."[/b] Obviously, she conveniently left out her study of necromancy. Most viewed it as a vile practice and while she agreed that it could be rather, gruesome and morbid at times, it still fascinated her and though she hadn't practiced it since she came to Skyrim, she wasn't going to pass up a chance to learn more if the opportunity arose. Though, at that point keeping it a secret was likely going to be difficult.