[color=00aeef]"Do as you will but remember if you wanna be more than just your friend's shadow, and want to inspire people you have to make your own destiny not just tread in his path. Those without ambition may as well be spectators."[/color] Lev responded a bit more seriously this time as he looked to Cole. [color=00aeef] I'm impressed my man. I really am. In a short time to get your feet dirty with other humans? That's something to be proud of."[/color] he told Cole who felt a bit more happy hearing some sort of validation from outside his inner circle. Rin had made him worry had had gone complacent. The Spear at least seemed to be happy for him. He valued Fer, and the others but...you know what they say about yes men, and close friends right? [color=f7941d]"I'd like to know where you've been I've heard conflicting stories of your heroics Lev."[/color] Cole questioned his new ally...well if you could call him that. The four of them were bound by the prophecy they would fight, and win together or all fail. He heard of the legends since the incident at the palace and he was none to thrilled about being the practical defacto boss. But it was his burden to bare now it would seem. Lev in return shrugged mischievously his face hidden by the mask. [color=00aeef]"What do I say? I've got a hand full of cards, and a joker up my sleeve. I've been up to...stuff...but nothing you should worry about Sword Hero. Now then I would ask that you follow me. No need to bug the citizens with Hero business right? Oh yes, and the wolf kin is free to come too if she's with you Shield."[/color] Lev said as he postured, and turned about on his heel walking to a location in a direction neither Fer, nor Cole came from. Cole looked to Ferr for a moment before nodding, and following Lev he had nothing to lose, and all to gain. It was doubtful this place they were heading to was meant to hold them captivate, or hurt them in some way. Besides having the spear help them meant the world was coming together a it faster. It made him feel like this wave, whatever it may be, would be something they could beat. Cole followed him as Edusa kept up a quick fast paced walk. [color=ed1c24]"Ugh more talking...well fine as long as we get to do something later."[/color] Edusa grumbled as Cole turned his head to face her. [color=39b54a]"Why so eager?"[/color] Cole wondered aloud as the royal retorted, [color=ed1c24]"Mom never let me be a knight. Now she's got no reason to complain now that i'm officially with a hero. This is my chance to show the world what I got for real instead of a bar fight after sneaking out."[/color] she responded in a casual fashion. [color=00aeef]"You have spirit miss but violence isn't all there is to battle."[/color] Lev pointed out punctually. [color=ed1c24]"Don't worry I'm more than just a brawler. I've been around knights my whole life I know how to handle myself."[/color]