[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220222/279a71b18a0c1abb676cefa8a6003547.png[/img][/center] There was a small amount of concern prickling at Embersky's mind as he looked around his clanmates on their walk back to the shore. He could see the rage in many of them, especially the two brothers. He knew that Dawnstar didn't want any kind of war. She had told him that explicitly and had said the same thing during the Gathering itself. He knew that the clan was upset about the way that the other two had reacted, but he hoped that they would be able to hold in their rage. The last thing they needed was a war when they were trying to advocate for peace and unity across all the clans. A smile crossed the older toms face as he saw his apprentice relax a bit. He was worried about what Albatrosspaw's reaction would be to the whole thing. He expected the nerves but he had feared anger that they hadn't told him, despite the fact that he was a member of the family just as much as the rest of them. [color=f26522][b]"I'm glad you understand. I'll try to keep you a bit more in the loop from now on if I can."[/b][/color] He just hoped that everything went alright in the coming moons. If they could perhaps convince the other clans to at least be civil they might have a chance. Just maybe. If anyone could convince the other clans that this was the way forward, the way to a more prosperous future for all of them, it was Dawnstar. His mother might be called manipulative by some of the other clans, but he knew that she had the island's best interests in mind. She just wanted her clan to be strong. He would have to speak with her again though, just to make sure he knew what she had in mind. [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220411/22f09bff530c58264e8c25a90ac97149.png[/img][/center] It was a beautiful morning despite the chaos that was the Gathering the night before. Lionpaw had been lucky, or unlucky depending on who was as, to be there and see everything go down. It still make his pelt prickle with excitement when he thought about all the tense stares and arguing that had happened on the ledge between the leaders. He knew that he should probably be more concerned about what had happened, and the fact that both the other clans were probably tempted to fight against Dawnstar now that she'd made this alliance. He'd chattered excitedly to Scorchpaw until his brother had looked like he was about to smack him so they could go to sleep. He was sitting off to the side of one of the clearings a little ways up the beach nearby where the tidepools formed. The area had been ringed off with stone and driftwood to make a sort of ring where the apprentices could spar. He had already finished for the day, but he wanted to wait for Reedpaw so that they could walk back together. He let his mind drift as the sun warmed his golden fur. His ear swiveled backwards as he heard a seagull squawking further up the beach. [color=ffce00][i]Someone out on hunting patrol most likely. Thank StarClan that's not me.[/i][/color] He was abysmal at hunting on the sand. Everything shifted underneath his feet too much and he could never get enough push to hit his target. He knew he just needed practice, but it still sucked. Once Reedpaw was done he sprang to his paws, [color=ffce00][b]"Looking a little sloppy today Reedpaw,"[/b][/color] he teased the silver tabby, [color=ffce00][b]"I could give you a few pointers you know,"[/b][/color] he bumped his shoulder with her as she scowled at him. He knew there was no heat behind it, but still ducked as she swiped at his head with a sheathed paw. [b]"Shut up Lionpaw. You're bigger and stronger than me,"[/b] she gave him a sly smile, [b]"How about I offer you some pointers in hunting? Seems like you're still kinda sloppy."[/b] [color=ffce00][b]"Oh really? That'd be great!"[/b][/color] Lionpaw told the other apprentice, either oblivious to the fact she was teasing him, or perfectly aware of what he was doing. It was hard to tell, but the glint in his amber eyes suggested the latter. He laughed at the surprised expression on her face as they finally pushed their way through the rocks and grass into camp still chatting brightly. Lionpaw looked around camp to see who was out and about that he could talk to. Waveheart lounged on the sands outside the nursery keeping careful watch on her three kits as they tumbled about. They were getting big, almost old enough to be apprentices themselves, but not quite yet. He didn't see his brother, but he did see Frostpaw by the fresh-kill pile and trotted over to her. [color=ffce00][b]"How's it going Frostpaw?"[/b][/color] He asked the older apprentice. [color=ffce00][b]"Has Nightwater told you when your assessment is gonna be yet?"[/b][/color] He wasn't sure exactly how it was decided when they became a warrior. He was pretty sure he remembered it being whenever your mentor thought you were ready, but he was pretty sure age had something to do with it as well. Still, he wanted to see a warrior ceremony and Frostpaw was one of the best of them in his opinion.