[b][EA Contact] Extreme Outskirts of the Milky Way - Aboard the Fleet Flagship, the [i]Muzmeg[/i], Grinaz-Class Super Carrier:[/b] Hearing the message, Overlord Mogor moves his face slightly closer to the communications input device embedded within his main control panel. "I shall be sending a diplomat soon for the meeting. He shall be arriving in a rather small vessel and will be landing in your hangar if you don't mind." Overlord Mogor said. He pushed a button next to the microphone-like device which disabled the device from picking up any further noises from within the bridge. Overlord Mogor looks back up from his control panel where he then locates a Grunt. "You there, notify Overlord Thakva of the situation and tell him he just became a diplomat. Then, send him down to the hangar, he'll have a Gulrok waiting for him." Overlord Mogor said to the Grunt who then replied with an affirmative gesture. Overlord Thakva and 29 Roggurks, equipped with standard guard gear, entered the Gulrok assigned for the diplomatic mission. The Gulrok's engines began to light up and roar as the pilot prepared the ship for space flight. The Gulrok lifted itself off the hangar floor and slowly exited the ship's hangar. Then, it headed off towards the foreign fleet while also awaiting for instructions on the ship to board.