[center][h1][color=39b54a][b]Hakuro Kuroda[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][color=39b54a][b]Mentionings:[/b][/color] [@PrankFox][/center] He was there at the front area by the lockers, checking out the site on his phone. It was what you'd expect. All the usual topics were being dominated by talk of the Prime Minister, plus complaints that the site was [i]being[/i] dominated that very topic, a few stupid fights that the mods could handle, and...Hakuro stopped. [i][color=39b54a]What the fuck? 'Hatto-san Too Afraid To Open His Mouth'? Am I being trolled?[/color][/i] Worse. It was a rant. It was long-winded, but it boiled down to the user complaining that the site about Hakuro's 'Go anywhere, do just about anything' attitude was cowering before the Prime Minister issue by not talking about it. Ugh... Typical. Some guy on the internet trying to tell the content creator how to make his content. There was a fairly-normal line in the sand between the parties for and against this argument, with some saying it'd be nice if they could hear from the Hatto-san himself about it, if even just a little. [i]That part[/i], he found reasonable, and typed something up before linking it to the thread. [hider=The Topic That's Really Over-Talked About.] [b]USER: [color=39b54a]Hatto-san[/color][/b] [b]Okay, so there's been some talk on the message board (some of it louder than necessary) about the topic we all know everything about that can be known, the death of the Prime Minister. Some of you want me to do an episode on it, and to those people, I have just one question:[/b] [center][b][i][h3]What the smoldering heck am I suppose to talk about in it?[/h3][/i][/b][/center] [b]It's been about a week now, and literally everything that has been known has been said by everybody about it. More than that, there's been any number of speculations and theories, personal examinations, and just plain wild rumors about same. What in the everloving world am I suppose to say that hasn't already been said, even for sake of content? There is no content to be found, nothing new to be said, and no particular reason for me to make an episode on it.[/b] [b]I don't mind you guys using the board to about the Prime Minister and the events surrounding his death yourselves, but I got nothing. The Hatto Ken Ko-to Show will not be broadcasting anything unless there is something I actually find out that you or anybody else does not know. And short of storming the Diet Building, I have no idea how that's ever going to happen. If I learn anything, sure, but without something real to go on, there's nothing to tell.[/b] [b][i]Yours Hattedly, The Hatto-san[/i][/b] [/hider] That done, Hakuro put his phone down and started messing with his notepad as he heard a locker slam and saw Kenzan hanging out in his 'I'm not here' spot for avoiding attention. It never worked, and not because Hakuro kept spotting him (although he did), but because avoiding detection required you to blend into the background, be invisible by not being so easily spottable. He seemed to be trying to wait out the storm, but...Hakuro's forecast for the day suggested that this would last all day, which meant that Kenzan was in for a long wait, a wait of boring. There was only one thing to do. Quietly, the Hatto-san moved from his position to the spot just out of the taller boy's line of sight, then proceeded to write in his notepad. Afterwhich, Kenzan would receive this message in Haiku: [center][color=39b54a][b]This rain will not end. Like Sisyphus on the mountain, Your fate is sealed. What will you do, then? Hunker down in this place of noise, or run like hell? In any case, I'm bored as hell and need a break. Join me, or stay here?[/b][/color][/center]