[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220406/41c00969640e4c419145d2059208198c.png[/img][/center] [center][b][color=00a99d]Mentions:[/color][/b][@FalloutJack][/center] The message from his mother was promptly ignored as Kenzan leaned back against the wall to begin the mindless scroll on social media to see if anything at all had changed. It seemed that most people were still obsessing over the death of the Prime Minister, so it was more rapid scrolling to get past the massive threads of conspiracy to find anything interesting. There were a few discussions of some new games that had come out, but it wasn't really worth reading the opinions that no doubt started an argument in the thousand comments. He paused for a brief moment on a lengthy thread about someone blaming aliens for the suicide of the Prime Minister that was paragraphs upon paragraphs of bullshit. [color=00a99d][i]Amazing how much people will do to avoid their own problems.[/i][/color] It had gotten the point that it was getting amusing and losing the actual fear and concern over what had happened. He was so desensitized to the topic now it didn't even phase him, not that it really had in the first place. Eventually he gave up on social media and sat to listen to his music and play one of the many mindless phone games he had to pass the time. He was pretty sure that the rain wasn't supposed to stop, but he had hope the weather as wrong. He didn't need it to stop, just lessen enough that he wouldn't get yelled out by his mother for tracking water into the house. His thoughts stopped their wandering and turned to confusion when he received the message, in haiku no less. He stared at it for a moment in befuddlement. [color=00a99d][i]The hell?[/i][/color] It took him a couple times reading over it to come to the realization that the only person that really knew him, and would be dramatic enough to send a message this way would be the same drama club member of his class. [color=00a99d][b]"You really couldn't have just asked in a normal way?"[/b][/color] He pulled one of his earbuds out, [color=00a99d][b]"Sure, why the hell not. Don't have much else better to do."[/b][/color] He wasn't usually inclined to agree to hanging out with any of his classmates, but he didn't really want to hang out in the school by himself for several hours.