As the bandits dispersed, Luna gave a small sigh. This wasn't the first nor the last time this happened, though... In these numbers? Not so. She dismounted her horse and was about to disagree with Leo about the queen not liking that comment when she heard her name being yelled and Leo jumping in front of her, blocking something. A thrown blade hit the ground and Luna looked at where it had come from. An odd looking Fomorian came from the crowd that was retreating. He had a menacing look with multiple arms that all looked rather inhuman. "Not your typical fomorian running the wastes I gather..." Luna said as she readied some of her magic, coating her sword and shield with a magical light. She looked to Leo and smiled, "Regardless, whenever I'm around you guys I let my guard down and need you two to protect me like that, don't I? Guess it's Gabe's turn next." She looked back to her other brother with a teasing smile, "Take my horse Leo. I have a feeling that he won't be too helpful against this guy." Luna turned back to the Fomorian in front of them and gave him a hard, studying gaze after he brandished the large blade and a gust of wind blast past them all. If even her queen was worried about him, than perhaps this was a fight she was going to have trouble with. How fun. "Very well, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get." She was mostly sure her sword and shield would have zero problems with taking hits from this monster so she wanted to make sure he didn't go after Fio. "Niall was it? I'm counting on you, even if we've not met. Our Queen has pretty good decision making so if she trusts you well." With that, she charged at the monster, shield up with a defensive posture, testing the waters so to speak. As she closed in, she'd give a swing of her sword towards the Fomorian and what looked like a blade of light shot towards it. Behind it, Luna followed, swinging to connect with the Fomorian with her shield at the ready in case he countered with an attack with his weapon.