[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220411/22f09bff530c58264e8c25a90ac97149.png[/img][/center] Lionpaw might be somewhat dense, but he could tell that Frostpaw wasn't happy with his presence. Still there wasn't really anyone else around to talk to, so he wanted to stick around despite the tail lashing he could see. He could also tell that he'd hit a sore spot by asking when she was going to get her warrior name. He frowned as well though when she said she didn't know where her mentor was. [color=ffce00][b]"That's weird, she didn't tell you to go out hunting or say you were gonna train today or something?"[/b][/color] Cranesong always made sure to come to him and tell him what it was that they would be doing. Her glare was making his pelt prickle slightly, but he knew that she didn't really mean anything by it. He immediately tensed when he saw her fur start to bristle and went to ask her what was wrong when she spoke. His head swiveled towards the entrance to camp as the FireClan cat strolled up like there wasn't a problem with him wandering into another clans camp. His jaw went slack as Brightflow just snatched the seagull from the top of the fresh-kill pile. His brain caught up to the action though and he perked up, [color=ffce00][b]"Did you not hear? At the Gathering last night Dawnstar made an announcement that FireClan and BreezeClan were merging into one clan,"[/b][/color] his tail waved across the sand, [color=ffce00][b]"He's allowed to be here, but that also means we could walk over to their camp and take their stuff without getting in trouble."[/b][/color] It was rude to take the seagull that Frostpaw had just caught, but someone else in the clan could've done the same thing. No one else seemed to be bothered by it, he wondered if Dawnstar had called a clan meeting while they were out training to let everyone who wasn't at the Gathering know what was going on. Either that or the word had gotten around camp and Frostpaw had just missed it. [color=ffce00][b]"Maybe Dawnstar will say something? I don't exactly know how the whole thing is supposed to work, but I think that there's basically no borders between us anymore,"[/b][/color] he shrugged, [color=ffce00][b]"We're the same clan now."[/b][/color] He looked over to where Reedpaw was staring at Brightflow as she came padding up to the other two apprentices. Her mouth was turned downwards, [b]"This is super weird. I don't think I'd want to just wander over to FireClan and hang out with them."[/b] She shook her head, [b]"I hope Dawnstar knows what she's doing."[/b]