[@RHODESIANRLI]You have not listed out what kinds of countries, groups or organizations people can play and have failed to provide any sort of Nation Sheet guide for people to use; the jump-in style is not recommended for NRPs because NRPs tend to have a lot more moving parts and OOC information that can't be provided with a name, flag and picture. You have not given any interesting story conflict or global event outside of "my white supremacist fantasy nation exists" and "fight communism" which lets be realistic, I doubt anyone playing any sort of communist would be allowed to even win anything and instead just spontaneously explode in the prescience of [s]glorious Rhodesian supersoldiers[/s] democracy and freedom and capitalism. And of course its already a given that you would be the one playing as Rhodesia. You have not made anything interesting with the concept of a pretty shitty IRL nation outside of glorifying it to satiate your own alt-history boner; people have made plenty of "What if the Nazis won" games and stories without this level of mockery because they're actually interesting and not meant to jack off wehraboos with poorly disguised "analysis" that serves more as praise than critique. You have not created an alt-history NRP prompt, you have created an alt-history fantasy where your idealized, unrealistic version of Rhodesia becomes the super based, badass chad African nation by ignoring all of the issues it had, pretending racism doesn't exist to the point where it would affect Rhodesia and otherwise glossing over societal issues in favor of an imaginary, self serving, self indulgent narrative that exists only to let you alone live out your questionable view points while hoping everyone else gets dragged along as side characters in the story of Super Rhodeisa. None of what you have provided says "I am someone interested in roleplaying this alt history scenario" and all of it screams "hey look at my totally original OC alt history, isn't it so cool and based and don't you want to read more about it?" like an edgy teenager trying to own libs and prove that he isn't an NPC with his own superficial historical hot takes.