[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FX0vSV3.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=0054a6]O L D G L O R Y[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Sort of based on another one of my attempts at [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/185698-old-glory-a-house-divided-knightly-american-houses-long-after-the-end/ooc]RP under a similar name[/url], this however is different. Instead of it being a Game of Thrones-like NRP, I'm looking for a much smaller scale, more tightly run roleplay akin to what you might find in D&D. This takes heavily from the Crusader Kings mod "After the End" although things might not be exactly 1 to 1. [b]The premise is straightforward:[/b] You an a bunch of other [s]random psychopaths[/s] adventurers and explorers from all across a post-event America have gathered to go into an old world ruin for gold, glory and god/s fighting off raiders, bandits, wild animals, monster and whatever else comes out of the darkness of antiquity. Filling in some more background, despite it being several hundred years or more after an apocalypses, things are still very much feudal-ish and medieval. Guns don't exist as actual weapons but are still known to the nobility and more educated, often used in part of house sigils or as metaphors for power. However things aren't like Fallout New Vegas Legion football armor, society has redeveloped and has moved away from only scrap metal armor and car bumper swords. There is actual armor and weapons made by professional smiths but they still do take inspiration from old world stuff with things like: - Baseball bat warclubs - Plate armor that looks like football gear - Metal helmets that have face grills - Polearms shaped like hockey sticks - Patted cloth armor that resembles bomber or leather jackets - Rounded shields with WW2 US white stars on them [hider=Expanded reasoning for the lack of technology] [quote=The old NRP thread]The world is still very medieval and feudal, just like GoT. In character, this is because people simply lost the knowledge on how to make or do things and even if they did, the fact they longer had access to the materials needed to make it meant that their knowledge was also lost over time. Even if you knew how to make an electric motor, unless you had the metals, components and wiring to actually make one, that knowledge isn't helping anyone. Out of character, its just to keep a theme. Just like how After the End makes some sacrifices since its ultimately an excuse for having knights in America, here too its just an excuse to keep to a theme.[/quote] [/hider] [hider=Pictures to help visualize] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FGgBeMjXoAIHWgQ?format=jpg&name=4096x4096[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOE7FcIWUAEcIwR?format=jpg&name=4096x4096[/img] [img]https://preview.redd.it/inlxhtfe4uk21.png?auto=webp&s=45561f0d26d68978c8e39267bc291af62caf7cc9[/img] [img]https://libredd.it/img/zcr4ukinmwj71.png[/img] [img]https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/ilx77t/new_after_the_end_artwork/[/img] [img]https://preview.redd.it/sjzbyhel6we61.jpg?auto=webp&s=ae037bec36480aefe9c7fd566b0c28f5c022d69e[/img] [img]https://preview.redd.it/89hzbsnppyk51.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=e7f67ceffef0529b442b36357dd47f644c951e81[/img] [/hider] If you're from the US (or even Canada/Mexico) I encourage you to rep some hometown pride and make a character from that area (pretty common thing to do in the aforementioned mod). If you're curious about what's actually in each part of the country I encourage you to look at the wiki and mod itself, but I'll list some example character ideas based on the mod. - A honorable Southron Knight from the Holy Columbian Confederacy (An HRE stand-in, the "Knights of the South" is a big thing) - A slightly unhinged Appalachian Mountain Man (Snake charmers gone wild!) - A spooky cultist warrior from New England (They have a very Lovecraftian/Eldritch religion) - A stalwart Continental Guard from Virginia/Maryland (They worship the Founding Fathers and American Mythos as a religion) - An independent Texan ranger (Also originally part of the religion mentioned above, they're getting a new "Exceptionalism" religion) - An educated sage from California (A sort of Byzantium/China stand-in with a bureaucratic government and strong education system) - A sturdy war smith from the Great Lakes (Who follow a "rust cult" and take industrialism as a religion and love old world salvage.) - An adventurous Neo-Norseman from the Great Lakes (Marvel and Skyrim references included) - A Caribbean Machetiro or Cajun War Dancer (Swift and Stylish!) - A very lost Canadian Mountie Knight or Mexican Neo-Aztec Eagle Warrior There's honestly a lot more from the mod itself, if you're interested in whats going on in your part of the woods I can boot up the game and take a look. BUT DON'T SEE THIS AS A REQUIREMENT! You can make whatever you want, especially if your character is from your own area and you want to take things in a different direction. I'm not to concerned about the wider lore of the Americas at this point since again, I'm planning for a pretty limited scope RP with a clear start and end. If you're interested throw down what you'd like to play below! If there's enough interest I'll work on a proper CS and OOC later. Not aiming for too big of a party though since I am planning on taking a purely GM role where I don't have a singular GMPC like traditional D&D or TRPGs.