[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HX9chmu.png[/img][/center] With her consent, Atzi knelt down, allowing the skinny but warm demon to wrap her arms around her neck, before hitching one hand beneath her butt to provide some support. Vammy was definitely light enough, the sort of girl that Atzi could imagine herself flinging a good couple meters into the sky, the sort of girl that she could run with while carrying. So she did, waving at those that remained in the church before running off. Her feet kicked off the snow, and her muscles flexed like the coils of a metal spring, but Atzi's piggyback ride, while a bit puerile compared to what Vammy imagined, was certainly smooth and swift, the brawn of her back providing a reliable foundation for the demon to lay against. With haste, they pounded through the snowed-over forest, their approach marked by the cold clumps that fell off tree branches as Atzi ran, taking only a couple of minutes to reach the cabin of the huntress. She knelt down again, letting Vammy slide off, before looking about herself. A window smashed from inside-out. Firewood low, but possessions left largely untouched. The door was dug into, and snow almost entirely submerged the place. Cold too, but it was easy to understand why: cold air flowed down, hot air rose up. And creating a slope like that in order to reach the door would mean, quite simply, that cold air would flow directly into the cabin. Atzi shot a smile of gratitude towards Vammy as she lit a flame within the cabin. She tossed a couple of near-frozen logs into the fireplace as well, allowing smoke to rise up from the chimney and serve as a signal. The talk of squatters and such went totally over her head though. Maira was a hunter and had a wolf as a pet. If a squatter was there, she could've scared them off. If a squatter was too scary, she had no reason not to seek help from the village. What really was the situation here? Hrm... Her gaze flicked down towards the little Goddess and the scribbles upon the indecipherable scroll of information, before tapping the deity on the head lightly for her final bit of graffiti. That decided it though. If the Moon Goddess came up with the same conclusion, what need was there for Atzi to question it? [b]"I'm heading up,"[/b] she said, draping her own cloak over Vammy's shoulders. Just a gesture, really, considering the demon's nature. [b]"Put your hands over your ears for a bit."[/b] She headed outside again, then leaped up onto the cabin's peaked roofed, scaling up to the highest point. A deep breath, and then... [b]"MAIRA! I'M LOOKING FOR YOU! SIGNAL ME!!!"[/b] ...a thunderous voice bellowed out, shaking the trees and startling the wildlife. Rabbits hunkered back into their holes, flocks of birds flew up into the sky, deer leapt into deeper groves, but as for the elusive huntress...