Added lore for nymphs, hope this is ok! [hider=Nymphs][center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][h1][u]Nymphs[/u][/h1][/center] Nymphs are beings descended from the fey, with ties to the natural world. There are many types, including dryads (wood nymphs), nereids (sea nymphs), aurae (air nymphs), and oreads (mountain nymphs). Their physical traits reflect their element. Dryads are recognisable by their tough, bark-like skin. Nereids are covered in blue or silver scales, with fins on their limbs and gills on their necks. Aurae have flight-capable wings, resembling those of birds or insects. Oreads bear fragments of rock or crystal embedded in their skin. All types also have a much more diverse range of hair colours than humans. They have a high affinity for elemental magic related to the aspect of nature they’re tied to; for example, an oread of a volcanic area is likely to have a talent for both stone and fire magic. Their connection to nature goes beyond their physical and magical attributes. They’re more at home living in the wilderness than in cities, their lifestyles involving foraging, hunting, bushcraft, and taking care of the land around them. The ones who embrace metal refinery the most are the oreads, due to their affinity with minerals, and even they seek ways to minimise the impact on the environment. While some nymphs do live in urban areas, usually due to marriage to city-dwellers, they’re happiest on the outskirts, near a forest, beach, cliff or mountain. Although their primal lifestyles create distance between them and most other races, many will gladly trade goods. Dryads in particular are known for their wood crafting, and frequently trade with woodland elves. Oreads are the most reclusive of the nymphs, having been hunted in the past for the gems on their bodies, and they’re still targeted by criminals working for black markets. Most nymphs are female, the ratio being two women to one man. Many of their communities are matriarchal, although some eschew gender roles. Their societies vary depending on their element: dryads are typically family and community oriented, of the mindset that it takes a village to raise a child, and sharing their items between the entire tribe. When dealing with non-dryads, this can lead to misunderstandings and accusations of theft. Conversely, aurae are often free-spirited and independent. To some, they may appear selfish, but they care for others in their own way, helping their loved ones assert their individuality and do what they personally find fulfilling within reason. Nereids and oreads are somewhere in between these two extremes. Nymphs reach maturity at the same rate as humans, yet their natural lifespan is around 150 years. The exceptions to the rule are hamadryads. It’s a common practice for the leader of a dryad tribe to bind their life force to a tree via advanced magic, becoming a hamadryad and living for several centuries, at the cost of being unable to venture further than 100 feet from the tree without becoming sick and eventually dying. They undergo this to gain the wisdom they consider necessary for a ruler, and warriors will protect the hamadryad and tree with their lives.[/hider]