I have been in touch with John F Kennedy. He is coming back. So this is not dead. But I will give you guys a run down of my plan for the Roleplay. The 2022 crew of the Salvage ship is looking for the wreckage of the 1851 version of the Spanish Pirate (Privateer) Castillo del Mar. Signs of it have shown up recently south of Hawaii. I was hoping we would have a helicopter pilot. Captain Knight would launch the helo and send it northwest in search of signs. A few things the helo [i]might[/i] find are a second salvage ship searching for the same ship or what appears to be a 19th century sailing ship. After a few posts with the 2022 crew, we will shift gears and start a new chapter and a posts by members of the Spanish Privateer "Castillo del Mar". They will experience a strange oddity and make some wild and bizarre observations. They still have the gold on board. Yes, I have been hemming and hawing about revealing this, but here it goes. I planned this with John F Kennedy months ago. I will put it in a hider. If you don't want to read it, you have that choice. [hider=Castillo del Mar]I love Roleplays that deal with Time. I have never done a Time Travel themed RP and this may become one. I also enjoy working with immortals. [b]If one were to induce Gregory Hernandez with a truth serum and then interview him, he might admit to the following:[/b] The University of California at San Francisco employs Professor Hernandez in the Humanities Department. He has a PhD in South Pacific Studies from The University of California at San Diego. Mr. Hernandez speaks Spanish, English, Mandarin and several Polynesian dialects. He is a well-respected professor and should be able to retire from his employment within the year. [i]"If you really must know, my name is not Gregory Hernandez. It is not even Gregorio Hernandez. My real name is [i]Juan Diego Gonsalves-Cabrera[/i]. Some have called me El Tiburon, the Shark in a past life. I am 220 years old and have been cursed to walk the earth for eternity. Fortunately, I am not alone. I was cast into this hell with my crew 170 years ago. We were sailing east toward the Hawaiian Islands trying to outrun a group of British Frigates. They had chased us across the Pacific Ocean but had not caught us yet. On the 16th day at sea, a blinding light surrounded the ship. It came from nowhere. In a flash, the ship was gone as well as 88 of the crew. All that remained were 37 survivors floating in the ocean. Within five hours, a sister ship known as the [i]Lazy Susan[/i] arrived and plucked us out of the ocean. I would say we were fortunate that day to be pulled from the Sea. I have heard stories of the Sharks feeding on people stranded at sea like that. George Clark, who captained the [i]Lazy Susan[/i] was disappointed our ship was lost at sea, but happy to pull the 37 of us from the Ocean. We in turn joined his crew for several years. Eventually, Commodore Clark passed away. Also, the remainder of his crew aged progressively as most humans should, but not the 37 of us. After 15 years aboard the Lazy Susan, the 37 of us hadn't aged a day. We suspect the flash of light which hit us on the 5th of June in the year of our lord, one thousand eight hundred fifty-one cursed the crew with immortality. Either that, or we were carrying some ancient relic or artifact that placed this curse on us. But that did not answer the question about what happened to the ship and the other 88 members of our...until two days ago. The piece of wood mounted on the fantail just above the captain's cabin with the ship's name painted on it, washed ashore in Hawaii. This tells me my ship reappeared in the Pacific Ocean in roughly the same location we lost the ship 170 years ago. I intend to fly to Hawaii to search for the wreckage or some clue as to what happened to the ship. Maybe I can answer some of these questions surrounding the disappearance."[/i] The 37 survivors all live in the San Francisco area or at least California and maybe even Hawaii. They have found occupations that suit their skills or skills they have developed over the years. They've also sold items they held onto for years from the mid 19th century. These items helped to garner wealth and the immortal crew learned how to develop their own wealth over the 20th century. Their former Captain is about to alert them to the discovery on Niā€™ihau. The former members of [i]Castillo del Mar[/i] are about to head to Hawaii. They do not know what they will find. Another group of Treasure Hunters are also heading to Hawaii and are much more well-funded. [This is our 2022 crew] This group is not immortal and is wholly unaware of the curse. [s]Therefore, I do not want to advertise to potential authors the immortality aspect. It should be a surprise to them. I will only tell those people who choose to write from the perspective of Captain Cabrera's surviving crew. Their character sheets will contain the information they want the world to know, not the complete truth. When I advertise this RP, I will encourage potential writers to join a Treasure Hunter crew merely in search of the wreck of the Castillo del Mar. They will be one crew. You and maybe only a second writer, plus me, will form the immortal crew, but that will remain a secret.[/s] [OK, so it is not a secret any longer and we can all play both sides of this story.] When we arrive in Hawaii, we will search for the wreckage south of the Hawaiian Islands, but not find the wreck. It is not there. The rest of the Roleplay will be the search. We will find clues to its location, but it only leads to more clues. We will also find other members of the original crew who were deposited in the ocean, but not in 1851, in a more recent year, possibly 2022. this search, will take us across the globe. The details of the hunt/search need to be worked out. I figure we'll go to the Aegean, the Gulf of Aden, Persian Gulf, Dardanelles Strait, Edinburgh, Portsmouth, Boston or Newport, and maybe some others or none of them. The other treasure hunter crew is hostile to us or rather, we are hostile to them. We are both competing to find the wreck of the Castillo del Mar (Castle of the Sea). Every move we make will generate some form of conflict with the other crew. Your character would also be more than 170 years old, depending on his age in 1851. He would be one of the following races: English, Spanish, Nubian, Berber African, or Antillean Arawak. The Antilles are primarily Cuba and Hispaniola. It was the Arawak aboriginals who were unfairly persecuted by Christopher Columbus and his crew. The genocide was against them committed by Columbus. I am considering writing flashbacks as told from the first-person point of view of our crew. Your character(s) were aboard the ship in the 19th century and can tell the story about their experiences then as well as what is going on now. these stories we write could be clues to the location of the wreck today. I actually have another twist to this story I will hold onto.[/hider]