[hider=Taari Tasjil] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/829263262637621251/961480011968290867/Green_Eyes.png?width=537&height=676[/img] Name: Taari Tasjil Race: Wayafar Age: 18 Appearance: Taari stands only at 5'7. Not tall, nor short. They have a more slender frame, and are typically draped in lavish robes when possible. They have tufts of wool-like fur around their ankles and wrists, as well as a curled set of ram-like horns. But this trait is shared between many Wayafar's men and women alike. Class: Dancer - More akin to a bard, but also capable of fluid movements that work well for evasions and flowing sword strikes Personality: Taari is enigmatic. They are wise beyond their years, and will provide insight into almost any situation, frequently in the form of a parable. Taari's words though are frequently brief. Words in the culture of the Wayafar have meaning, but their language is typically one which is accompanied by movement or facial expressions. As such, you would not be surprised to have your words met with only a mere nod and a smile. Fear not though, as having had countless stories drilled in to them, Taari is an excellent listener. They will listen for hours on end if required of them and they will gladly provide comfort if needed. But there is an emptiness within them. As if they are missing another piece of themselves, and use the countless stories they seek out as a means to fill it. Because of this, it is not uncommon to find Taari spacing out when not seeking tales, or practicing their craft. Strengths: -Near perfect recall -Well trained Dancer -Uses mystic arts to embolden allies and hinder foes -Agile with near flawless footwork -Surprisingly good tailor Weaknesses: -Physically weak -Swordsmanship is fine, but heavily reliant on allies -Longing. While not obviously apparent, some can use the emptiness of one's heart for their own gain Biography: In the culture of the Wayafar, none is more revered than the "Aleaysh Lur" or Living Lore. Wayafar people do not keep many written script, mostly due to their language heavily utilizing body language and facial expressions. As such, tales told between the Wayafar are passed down orally. The Aleaysh Lur is the keeper of all the stories of their people, no matter how mundane, no matter when they came into myth. The Aleaysh Lur is meant to not just tell these stories, but embody them. As such, they are raised as neither man nor woman. Or perhaps, they are raised as everything. There are many requirements to who can become an Aleaysh Lur, but it must be someone who can embody any character or any being. The current Aleaysh Lur was growing elderly, and no successor had yet to be found. So a search was made across the land, seeking all the new born children, as the stories must be taught as soon as only a few months. As it turned out, two children met the criteria: twins. Taari and their sibling Tasha were both taken, to the pride and dismay of their parents. And so they were raised by the current Aleaysh Lur, who's name had long since been forgotten. The two were drilled and taught their stories, accompanied by intricate dances, where even the flick of a single finger altered the meaning of their words. Yet they shared everything together. But eventually, there was a need to pick only one successor. As to why Tasha was selected, Taari did not know. And so, they was given the chance to return to them home. But that was no home for Taari any more. They instead figured that they would continue their purpose worldwide, and learn all the lore they can, acting as a translator and liaison to the world out side of the Wayafars. And that led them to a school, far different than what they were used to, but a new experience should never be spurned. Off to Hoseforn's. [/hider]