[hr][hr] [center][color=696969][h1]Bethany Bell[/h1][/color] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/LsKRtFky/image.png[/img] [I][color=696969]New York, Frost International Skills: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Travel[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [u][i]"Dunno, i'm not much of a sciencey kind of person, so it's really beyond me why it's only happening to her and not me."[/i][/u] Nightlocke said giving a slight shrug towards Emma as she leaned back on the couch. Bethany turned to Mary, she wasnt going to actively say it in front of the group about Mary's other personality poking through. [color=696969]"It's fine we can talk about it later."[/color] Beth said towards Mary as the alarms to the building started to go off. [color=696969]"Is this a common thing here?"[/color] Bethany asked sounding a little bit alert now as she turned towards the elevator as the door opened up to reveal three other people coming through. One of them was Quicksilver as he instantly went over and flipped the couch that Nightlocke was sitting on, causing her to be knocked off and onto the ground. [u][i]"You know that's really rude and really annoying as hell."[/i][/u] Nightlocke said sounding really annoyed as she instantly got back up to her feet glaring at Quicksilver as he started to break everything in the room. Bethany quickly tried to use her powers to trip Quicksilver but she wasnt able to. Nightlocke getting what her counterpart was doing, she quickly went and sent some shadows around Quicksilver's legs causing him to fall over. Getting Quicksilver to slow down or knocking him off his feet was usually always the quickest way to dealing with him, Bethany then closed her eyes and started to shadow travel Quicksilver out of the room and randomly putting him somewhere else in the building. [color=696969]"Hopefully that should slow him down a little bit."[/color]